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发布时间:2023-10-25 06:25:29

[单项选择]You will get your camera next Monday. We regret any inconvenience _____ to you.
A. having caused
B. causing
C. to be caused
D. caused

更多"You will get your camera next Monda"的相关试题:

[单项选择] You will get your camera next Monday. We regret any inconvenience _____ to you.
A. having caused
B. causing
C. to be caused
D. caused
[单项选择]Will you ______ your shoes when you get in
A. put off
B. remove
C. escape
D. shake
[单项选择]Once you get to know your mistakes, you should __________ them as soon as possible.
A. rectify
B. reclaim
C. refrain
D. reckon
[单项选择]You mustn’t let your social life get _____ of your studies.
A. in the way
B. by the way
C. on the way
D. in no way
[单项选择]Woman: How do you get along with your partnerMan: Generally our relationship is pretty good but we are both aware of the importance of spending time alone.Question: What is the relationship between the man and his partner like
[单项选择]Where did you get your watch ______
A. repair
B. to repair
C. repaired
D. repairing
[单项选择]I ______ everything by the time you get back next month.
A. shall finish
B. will be finishing
C. have finished
D. shall have finished
[单项选择]We can get your clients to your nearest location______they can buy your product.
A. which
B. when
C. that
D. where
[单项选择]Woman: Next, shouldn't we get a telephone installed in the hall Man: Fixing the shower pipe is far more important. Question: What do we learn from the conversation
[单项选择]"I like your furniture very much.""Thank you. We bought ______ in Denmark."
A. the most of them
B. most of them
C. the more of it
D. most of it
[单项选择]When you come here for your holiday next time, don't go to ______ hotel; I can find you ______ bed in my flat.
A. the; a
B. the; /
C. a; the
D. a; /


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