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发布时间:2023-12-19 23:25:24

[单项选择]That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness_______by his lack of talent.
A. so much as
B. rather than
C. as
D. than

更多"That trumpet player was certainly l"的相关试题:

[单项选择]That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness ______by his lack of talent.
A. so much as
B. rather than
C. as
D. than
[单项选择]The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness ______ by his lack of talent.
A. than
B. more than
C. as
D. so much as
[单项选择]I certainly got stuck when I bought this raincoat; every time I go out in the rain, it shrinks some more.
[单项选择]Certainly I'll come, but I am afraid I shall be ______.
A. a few minutes later
B. late a few minutes
C. a few minutes late
D. later a few minutes
[单项选择]I wasn't qualified for the job really, but I got it {{U}}anyhow{{/U}}.
A. somehow
B. anyway
C. anywhere
D. somewhere
[单项选择]I was not bothered by the loudness of the trumpet player ______ by his lack of talent.
A. as
B. than
C. so much as
D. rather than
[单项选择]I wasn't looking where I ______, and hit the car in front.
A. went
B. was going
C. would go
D. had been going
[单项选择]I wasn't qualified for the job really but I got it {{U}}anyhow{{/U}}.
A. besides
B. anyway
C. well
D. anymore
[单项选择]I know he wasn't listening to me, but I went on, hoping to get him ______ in the story (故事,新闻报道).
A. interesting
B. interest
C. interested
D. interests
[单项选择]It wasn't so much that I disliked her ______that I just wasn't interested in the whole business.
A. rather
B. so
C. than
D. as
[单项选择]The examination I took yesterday wasn't difficult, but it was long.
A. much too
B. very much
C. so much
D. too much
[单项选择]The lecturer made such a boring speech. But I wasn't bothered by the dullness ______ by his carelessness.
A. more than
B. so much as
C. than
D. as


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