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发布时间:2023-10-30 00:27:27

[单项选择]When the opposing player fouled John, John let his anger ______ his good sense and hit the boy back.
A. got the feel of
B. got the hang of
C. got the better of
D. got the worst of

更多"When the opposing player fouled Joh"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When the opposing player fouled, John let his anger ______ his good sense and hit the boy back.
A. gut the feel of
B. got the hang of
C. gut the better of
D. gut the worst of
[单项选择]When John was away on business, his neighbour gave his wife ______ with the housework.
A. an aid
B. a help
C. a hand
D. a lift
[单项选择]He never let me ______ when I need his support.
A. in
B. down
C. off
D. out
[单项选择]Why won't John name his boy after a poet

[单项选择]On that rainy night, John told his father that the lock on the door ______ loose.
A. was felt
B. felt like
C. was feeling
D. felt
[单项选择]When he won his third gold medal at his third successive Olympic Games, we______the man as if he were the greatest athlete we had ever seen: a superman, ______ , a demigod walking the earth.
A. (A) hymned … a nonpareil
B. (B) exasperated … a dabbler
C. (C) inveighed … a genius
D. (D) lauded … an obscurantist
E. (E) apostatized … a commoner
[单项选择]John said his mother would buy him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his sixteenth birthday.
A. would buy him
B. five-speeds
C. for
D. sixteenth birthday
[单项选择]John was angry when the boss said that his proposal was completely ______.
A. disposable
B. dismissible
C. unapproachable
D. unavoidable
[单项选择]John and his wife went to evening classes to learn how to ______.
A. run a DIY shop
B. make or repair things
C. save time and money
D. improve the quality of life
[单项选择]Never one to __ second best, John tried his best to solve the problem.
A. admit
B. accept
C. convince
D. receive
[单项选择]John said his mother (would buy) him a (five-speeds) racing bicycle (for) his (sixteenth) birthday.
A. would buy
B. five-speeds
C. for
D. sixteenth
[单项选择]John said his mother (would buy him) a (five - speeds) racing bicycle (for) his (sixteenth birthday).
A. would buy him
B. five-speeds
C. for
D. sixteenth birthday
[单项选择]When John Jacob Raskob purchased a site for the skyscraper, he ______.


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