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发布时间:2024-03-29 03:32:41

[单项选择]People who are _________ in their life goal are bound to realize their dreams.
A. persistent
B. intent
C. coherent
D. resultant

更多"People who are _________ in their l"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The people who hope to have long life from their New Year's food are the ______.
[单项选择]On an average, people in America who were born in 1900 ______.
A. had a life-span of 74 years
B. lived a shorter but better life than those born later
C. lived to 47 years of age
D. lived 27 years longer than those born in 1981
[单项选择]People who suffer from astigmatism
A. have a curable disease in their eyes
B. have eyes that are not exactly the right shape
C. have a difficulty that can be corrected by an operation
D. have an eye difficulty that cannot be corrected by glasses
[单项选择]People who control the media
[单项选择]Among the following people, who will exhibit the paintings that were not done by himself/themselves
A. Zhang Yongxu.
B. Young artists.
C. Fu Baoshi.
D. Peter Ludwig and his wife.
[单项选择]Among the following people, who mostly need to read this passage
A. doctors
B. nurses
C. patients
D. Visitors
[单项选择]The disorientation experienced by people who suddenly find themselves living and working in a different environment is known as ______ .
A. culture shock
B. sociocentrism
C. temporal shock
D. ethnocentrism
[单项选择]People who are cognitively healthy are those
A. who are highly intelligent
B. whose minds ate alert and receptive
C. who can remember large amounts of information
D. who are good at recognizing different sounds
[单项选择]Depression that inflicts people who believe their lives lack content when the rush of the busy week stops referred to by a prominent psychiatrist as Sunday Neurosis().
A. has been referred to by a prominent psychiatrist
B. has been referred to as by a prominent psychiatrist
C. a prominent psychiatrist has referred to it
D. it has been referred to by a prominent psychiatrist
[单项选择]Of the following people, who are not involved in the program
A. Cisco System employees.
B. Advice nurses in the clinic.
C. Doctors at three local hospitals.
D. Oracle at three local hospitals.
[单项选择]People of one culture who move to a country where another culture dominates may ______ their old ways and become part of the dominant culture.
A. keep up
B. give up
C. look black at
D. clear away
[单项选择]Why do people still argue about who deserves the credit for the concept of the laser
[单项选择]People are more likely to achieve their goal if they have someone ______.
A. to choose an excited goal for them
B. to find a funny process for them
C. to make a plan together with them
D. to make effort together with them
[单项选择]According to the passage people who have experienced ups and downs may become
[单项选择]People who feel miserable with computers are those ______.
A. who love reading books and writing with a pen or a typewriter
B. who possess the wrong aptitudes of disliking and fearing new things
C. who have not been trained to use computers
D. who are born with a temperament that does not respond to computers


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