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发布时间:2023-11-13 03:16:13

[单项选择]A stock is currently worth $ 75. If the stock was purchased one year ago for $ 60, and the stock paid a $1.50 dividend over the course of the year, what is the holding period return()
A. 24.0%.
B. 22.0%.
C. 27.5%.

更多"A stock is currently worth $ 75. If"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Delbert Gossert owns stock worth $32 per share. Gossert buys a put option with a strike price of $32 for $2.50. At expiration, the stock is valued at $32 per share. The profit or loss from Gossert's portfolio insurance strategy is a:
[单项选择]Tommy Stamlano owns stock worth $80 per share. Stamlano buys a put option with a strike price of $70 for $1.50. At expiration of the put option, the stock price is $65 per share. The profit or loss from Stamlano's portfolio insurance strategy is a:
[单项选择]An investor expects a stock currently selling for $ 20 per share to increase to $ 25 by year - end. The dividend last year was $1 but he expects this year's dividend to be $1.25. What is the expected holding period return on this stock()
A. 28.50%.
B. 24.00%.
C. 31.25%.
[单项选择]Common stock is less risky than a preferred stock because of its fixed dividend.
[单项选择]Was the watch worth the price
[单项选择]The coat is worth( ).
A. buying
B. having bought
C. being bought
D. to be bought
[单项选择]Advertising can persuade the consumer to buy worthless products by ______.
A. stressing their high quality
B. convincing him of their low price
C. maintaining a balance between quality and price
D. appealing to his buying motives
[单项选择]The writer thought his life worth living probably because ______.
A. he loved life
B. he had a happy life
C. he did not want to die
D. he believed in God

The experience of foreign countries is worth learning from and taking for reference.()

A. learning and reference.
B. our learning and our reference
C. our learning from and taking for reference
D. our learning and make reference to
[单项选择]Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage ______.
A. relatively
B. actually
C. annually
D. comparatively
[单项选择]How many pollutants currently exceed WHO guidelines in all megacities studied A one B two C three D seven
[单项选择]The research and development section is currently experimenting with two new () which should reduce production time without affecting quality.
A. proceeds
B. processing
C. processes
D. proceedings
[单项选择]Currently, different types of multimodal transport operation involving different combinations are taking place. ( ) is one types of multimodal transport operations but not involving rail.
A. Land bridge
B. Air/sea
C. Sea train
D. Piggyback
[单项选择]Olkswagen believes it was worth sticking it out in China in the 1990s when the hopes of other foreign car makers were {{U}}dashed{{/U}}.
A. flashed
B. lashed
C. smashed
D. splashed
[单项选择]Which pollutant is currently the subject of urgent research A nitrogen dioxide B ozone C lead D particulate matter
[单项选择]The growing popularity of microchips, currently found in applications ranging from cellular phones to cars, ______this new technology's increasing affordability.
A. (A) illustrates
B. (B) belies
C. (C) addresses
D. (D) contains
E. (E) incites
[单项选择]Which CLI command displays the LSPs that currently have the attached bit set?()
A. show isis adjacency
B. show clns neighbors
C. show isis database
D. show clns database


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