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发布时间:2023-11-25 21:49:57

[单项选择]If he ______ the job, he will get more money right away.
A. accept
B. accepts
C. will accept
D. has accepted

更多"If he ______ the job, he will get m"的相关试题:

[单项选择]If he ______ the job, he will get more money right away.
A. accept
B. accepts
C. will accept
D. has accepted
[单项选择]If a boss wants to get more profits, he can do the following things EXCEPT_____.
[单项选择]Although states were allowed to coin money right after the American Revolution, they are not allowed to do so today.
A. fairly
B. temporarily
C. immediately
D. haphazardly
[单项选择]He didn't get the job. If only he ______ his father's advice.
A. had taken
B. have taken
C. take
D. took
[单项选择]He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.
A. and
B. than
C. so
D. but
[单项选择]As he was unsuitable for the new job, he was______ to another post.
A. transmitted
B. transferred
C. transplanted
D. transformed
[单项选择]Nick is looking for another job because he feels nothing he does ______ his boss.
A. serves
B. satisfies
C. promises
D. supports
[单项选择]Nock is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does______his boss.
A. serves
B. satisfies
C. promises
D. supports
[单项选择]Thomas would have been more successful if he had studied harder, ______.
[单项选择]Having failed to find a better-paid job ,he feels very________.
A. oppressed
B. suppressed
C. depressed
D. compressed
[单项选择]He said that under more favorable conditions, he ______in China to find a good job and settle down at that time.
A. would have stayed
B. would stay
C. had stayed
D. stay
[单项选择]The writer was so absorbed ______ his job that he did not notice me enter the room.
A. on
B. of
C. in
D. at
[单项选择]Mr. Green is considering ______ the job because he needs to get additional experience.
A. to take
B. taking
C. take
D. takes
[单项选择]The man was so absorbed ______ his job that he didn't notice what was happening.
A. on
B. in
C. of
D. at
[单项选择]The writer was so absorbed______his job that he did not notice me enter the room.
A. on
B. of
C. in
D. at


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