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发布时间:2023-09-28 15:00:12

[单项选择]This course is designed to help children ________ such real-life situations as separation and loss.
A. cope with
B. settle down
C. intervene in
D. interfere with

更多"This course is designed to help chi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The company's training plan was designed to help the employees to improve their work habits and ______.
A. proficiency
B. sufficiency
C. insufficiency
D. efficiency
[单项选择]Machines are designed to help restore our {{U}}intrinsic{{/U}} system of checks and balances of our biology.
A. genetic
B. innate
C. internal
D. inert
[单项选择]How will UNICEF help the African children

A. Build more schools in Africa.
B. Reduce school fees in Africa.
C. Return them to school.
D. Provide them with food and housing.
[单项选择]The course can help you to ______.
A. select your career interests
B. make suggestions to your friend
C. design you investigation
D. find solutions to many issues
[单项选择]Computer games can be used to help children develop their reading skills.
[单项选择]Which of the following can help children have the experiences dealing with the floatability of liquids
A. observing the chemicals that dissolve in water.
B. watching water evaporate.
C. investigating how objects sink or float in water.
D. observing how candle wax changes its state.
[单项选择]A father should know how to help his children to stand alone." To stand alone" means all the following except " ______".
A. to get along well by themselves
B. to live on their own
C. to live lonely
D. to live without the help of others
[单项选择]You can use the Course Calendar to help ______ your students of important dates in the course, such as test dates.
A. warn
B. remind
C. convince
D. deprive
[单项选择]Help ______ to some fruits, children.
[单项选择]"Help ______ to the cakes," I said to the children.
[单项选择]All of the children studied
A. attended the same school.
B. were in the same socioeconomic class.
C. were the same age.
D. knew each other.
[单项选择]Which film is for children
[单项选择]The villagers have offered much help to help us and we think we should do something for them ______.

A. in return
B. in place
C. in fashion
D. in danger
[单项选择]The lawyer had no children.


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