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发布时间:2023-10-24 06:14:35

[单项选择]Why is scientific training becoming less attractive to U. S. students
A. Because the U. S. students are unwilling to face the competitions between them and foreign students.
B. Because it is not so rewarding in this career path as before due to the increasing amount of students.
C. Because foreign students take up good position in this field for their advantage.
D. Because U. S. students do not think scientific training can help them make a lot of money.

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[单项选择]The traditional grocer’s shops are becoming less and less common now that there are so many supermarkets. What does the underlined part mean _______
A. turning
B. dying out
C. keeping away
D. dying off
[单项选择]It is becoming (far less) common than it (was used) to be for children to (follow in) their (fathers' footsteps).
[单项选择]Why do the less developed countries welcome the multinationals
A. Because multinationals are more developed.
B. Because multinationals bring investment and jobs.
C. Because multinationals conduct their operations through branches.
D. Because multinationals are wealthier.
[单项选择]Why will battery buses cost less than conventional buses in the long run
A. They will spread the capital cost over a long period.
B. They will be stronger and last longer.
C. They will use less fuel and cost less to maintain.
D. They will be charged at night when electricity costs less.
[单项选择]Why did the training program play such an important role nowadays
A. Because International Summer School is popular.
B. Because the training program has proved popular.
C. Because so much emphasis is placed on the popular area of work, study and lecture.
D. Because people pay more attention to oral skills in all area of work, study and lecture.
[单项选择]Why does Canada depend less on nuclear energy than European countries Because ______.
A. it has not yet obtained the nuclear technology
B. the Canadians are strongly against the use of nuclear power
C. it has large coal reserves
D. it relies on the U.S. [or supply of electricity
[单项选择]Why do women seem less likely to fall in love with the objects themselves
A. Because they have no visual spatial skills.
B. Because they are only good at language and verbal reasoning.
C. Because they are less likely to see their charming or interesting aspects.
D. Because they rarely use machines such as cars, titles, computers, etc.
[单项选择]People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because ______.
A. they do not know how to enjoy themselves
B. they do not believe that relaxation is important for health
C. they are traveling fast all the time
D. they are becoming busier with their work
[单项选择]"Corporate physical fitness is becoming something of an industry in its own right". This implies that______.
[单项选择]American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised ______ from the United States.
A. transfer
B. deliveries
C. transportation
D. transmissions
[单项选择]The effect of becoming depressed about an illness is ______.
[单项选择]Children are becoming more inactive in study because ______.
A. they watch TV too often
B. they have done too much homework
C. they have to fulfil too many duties
D. teachers are too strict with them
[单项选择]The cultural communication problems are becoming especially urgent for ______.
A. American managers
B. multinational companies
C. Japanese employees
D. consulting firms


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