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发布时间:2023-10-29 03:46:56

[单项选择]We were married on 20 May 1964, and every year we have a party on our ______.
A. ceremony
B. anniversary
C. assemble
D. entertainment

更多"We were married on 20 May 1964, and"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We were told that we should follow the main road ______ we reached the central railway station.
A. whenever
B. until
C. while
D. wherever
[单项选择]We were delighted to find the trees planted a year before ______ very tall.
A. growing
B. being grown
C. having been growing
D. grown
[单项选择]We may have been poor, but we were always ________dressed.
A. respectably
B. respectfully
C. politely
D. respectively
[填空题]If we (know)()that the books were available, we would have bought them yesterday.
[单项选择]We were told that we could not swim until ______ came in because the sea was too far out.
A. Water
B. current
C. flood
D. tide
[单项选择]We've produced () cotton this year as we did in 2002.
A. as much twice
B. much as twice
C. as twice much
D. twice as much
[单项选择]We may infer that a 17-year-old boy is forbidden to watch ______ movies.
A. G
B. PG-13
C. NC-17
D. R
[单项选择]We''ve produced _______cotton this year as we did in 2002.
A. as much twice
B. much as twice
C. as twice much
D. twice as much
[单项选择]In what way may we know that a person is "reserve"
A. If he always talks about himself.
B. If he hides his emotion and does not often get excited.
C. If he talks a lot to strangers.
D. If when he talks to his friends he shows much emotion.
[单项选择]By the end of next year, we will ______.
A. accomplish the task
B. have accomplished the task
C. be accomplishing
D. have the task accomplished
[单项选择]For a year, we have _______ the possibility of living in another country.
A. contemplated
B. contrived
C. consoled
D. contended
[单项选择]We were so busy that we had to () going on holiday for a month.
A. put away
B. put down
C. put off
D. put out
[单项选择]We were talking on the phone when we were ______.
A. cut down
B. cut off
C. hung up
D. hung back


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