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发布时间:2023-12-20 01:24:08


He doesn't often agree with me. He thinks different from me.()

A. different to
B. different with
C. differently from
D. differently to

更多"He doesn't often agree with me."的相关试题:

[单项选择]She often thinks that her six years in Italy were wasted, ________she________ that time learning more Italian.
A. but that; might have taken
B. for that; should have found
C. in that; could have spent
D. with that; would have used
[单项选择]The writer can't put up with stealing because he thinks that ______.
A. it is a totally shared experience
B. it is considered as the most dangerous
C. it does great harm to human relationship
D. it may lead to the loss of his sports team
[单项选择]What he says and what he does ______ not agree.
A. are
B. do
C. has
D. does
[单项选择]If any man here does not agree with me, he should______ his own play for improving the living conditions of these people.
A. put on
B. put out
C. put in
D. put forward
[单项选择]Although he isn't successful now, he doesn't consider his life as a failure.
A. 虽然他是失败的,但是他并不把失败视为他的一生。
B. 虽然他是失败的,但是他并不认为失败是他的人生。
C. 虽然他现在不成功,但是他并不认为他的人生中有失败。
D. 虽然他现在并不成功,但他不相信自己的一生将总是失败。
[单项选择]He didn't pass the examination because he didn't spend ______ time preparing.
A. a lot
B. some
C. adequate
D. little
[单项选择]The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about corporate response to working with minority subcontractors
[单项选择]He's so crazy about her that he doesn't realize he's being ______.
A. manifested
B. magnified
C. manipulated
D. maintained
[单项选择]Much as I admire his novels, I cannot agree that they are superior to his poems.
A. 我很喜欢他的小说,但是我认为他的诗歌更好。
B. 因为我非常喜欢他的小说,所以我赞同他的小说不超过他的诗歌水平。
C. 虽然我非常喜欢他的小说,但我并不认为他的小说比诗歌好。
D. 如同我喜欢他的小说那样,我不能同意他的诗歌比他的小说好。
[单项选择]He liked shopping, sometimes he bought something that served no ______.
A. purpose
B. aim
C. goal
D. object
[单项选择]He will agree to do what you require ______ him.
A. of
B. from
C. to
D. for
[单项选择]He didn't pass the exam ______ that he hadn't studied hard.
A. on
B. ×
C. in
D. up to
[单项选择]He doesn't (say) in his letter (that) he's going to (be back) (or not).
A. say
B. that
C. be back
D. or not


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