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发布时间:2023-10-26 20:32:05

[单项选择]My niece has three brothers, all ( ) than she. ( ), John, is an oil worker.
A. older; The oldest
B. older; The eldest
C. elder; The oldest
D. elder; The old one

更多"My niece has three brothers, all ( "的相关试题:

[单项选择]My niece has three brothers, all() than she.()John, is an oil worker.
A. elder: The oldest
B. older; The eldest
C. elder: The oldest
D. elder: The old one
[单项选择]My niece has three brothers, all ______ than she ______ John is an oil worker.
A. old... the eldest
B. older... the oldest
C. elder... the old are
D. elder... the oldest
[单项选择]my wife has three brothers,all ( ) than she. ( ) _George,is an officer
A. elder…The oldest
B. older…The oldest
C. elder…The old one
D. older…The oldest
[单项选择]my wife has three brothers,all () than she. () George,is an officer.
A. elder…The oldest
B. older…The oldest
C. elder…The old one
D. older…The oldest
[单项选择]My wife has three brothers, all () than she.(),George is an officer.
A. elder the eldest
B. older the oldest
C. elder the old one
D. older the eldest

Passage Three Everything has a name. All people, places, and things have names. For example, Jenny is the name of a student from England. England is the name of her country. Cities and towns have names, too. Schools and office buildings also have names. All things have names. For example, tomato, potato and bean are names of vegetables. Apple, orange and banana are names of fruits. Names are important. We use names every day. When we meet a new person, we usually ask, "What’s your name" It is important to learn a person’s name. Most people have two names. Some people have more names. Names are different all over the world. In Jenny’s class, Jenny must learn the names of students from all over the world. This is very difficult because the names are very different. In the United States, most people have a first name, a middle name, and a last name. Parents, choose the first and middle names for their baby. There are names for boys ’and names
A. George, Linda, Susan.
B. Tom, Jill, Cindy.
C. Elizabeth, Lisa, Mary.
D. Peter, Jeff, Jack.

[单项选择]Three hours has passed since the discussion was begun, and I'm afraid they will ______ it still longer.
A. expand
B. stretch
C. protract
D. extend
[单项选择]Three hours has passed since tile discussion was begun, and I'm afraid they will ______ it still longer.
A. expand
B. stretch
C. protract
D. extend

Passage Three Sports fans all over the world recognize the name Michael Jordan. From Taiwan to Tennessee. kids wear clothes with his picture on them. Jerseys(球服)with his number 23 on the front, jackets with the Bulls on the back, and Air Jordan sports shoes all reflect the fame of this superstar. Michael Jordan has become the most famous attraction of the world’s favorite spectator sport. Michael Jordan was born in 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. Growing up Michael did not look like a future superstar. He was very shy and didn’t like to talk to other people about himself. He was also very short. He showed little promise of having a future career in basketball. When he tried out for the freshman team in high school, Michael didn’t make it. The next year, however, he grew tall enough to join the team. Michael’s road to fame began at the University of North Carolina. He brought an acrobatic styleto the game that few had seen before. Michael used his quickn
A. shoes
B. jerseys
C. jackets
D. socks

[单项选择]My brother is three years ______ than I.
A. old
B. older
C. elder
D. the elder


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