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发布时间:2024-01-10 01:09:51

[单项选择]He told the conductor not to take any notice. That is to say_________.A. he wanted him to pay no attention to his angry wordsB. he didn't want anybody to notice himC. he didn't want anyone to look at him

更多"He told the conductor not to take a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The conductor told the old man that he didn't need to buy another ticket because___________.A. the old man was a famous personB. he thought the old man had no money with himC. he believed the old man
[单项选择]The doctor told him that he should take this medicine one pill at one time.
A. told
B. should take
C. one
D. one
[单项选择]At the beginning he refused to take any responsibility but he had to end up by______.
A. to apologize
B. apologizing
C. apologized
D. apologize
[单项选择]He told me that he had finished high school a year______ .
[单项选择]He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I () of hunger and cold.
A. would be died
B. would have died
C. would die
D. will have died
[单项选择]I did not lose temper when he told me that he wanted to run away from home; instead, I tried to ______ with him.
A. deal
B. discuss
C. reason
D. sense
[单项选择]He told me that he had bought a music tape and ______ buy another one the next week.
A. he would
B. that he would
C. he should
D. he was going to
[单项选择]He told me that he had been offered a wellpaid _____ abroad.
A. employment
B. work
C. service
D. job
[单项选择]Jack told Mary that he ______ what he was doing during the vacation.
A. had just been asked
B. has just asked
C. was just asked
D. just asked
[单项选择]—Your uncle told me that he overslept this morning. —Oh, my uncle rarely used to oversleep, ______
[单项选择]They told me that he had left for the country some days___________.
A. ago
B. after
C. long
D. before
[单项选择]Mark Twain told the friend he couldn't buy a ticket for him because ______.
A. he did not have enough money
B. his money was also lost
C. he wanted to play a joke on him
D. he wanted the friend to buy a ticket himself
[单项选择]The doctor (told) him that he (should take) this medicine (one) pill at (one) time.
A. told
B. should take
C. one
D. one
[单项选择]His mother told me that he()read quite well at the age of five.
A. would
B. could
C. should
D. might


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