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发布时间:2023-11-24 05:23:12

[单项选择]I couldn't do my homework with all that noise ______.
A. going on
B. goes on
C. went on
D. to go on

更多"I couldn't do my homework with all "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I can't bear the noise of my brother's radio; it ______ me from my work.
A. disturbs
B. perturbs
C. interrupts
D. distracts
[单项选择]How do you expect me to do my work with you interrupting me all the time()
A. 你一直期望我和你一起做事
B. 你一直打搅我,怎么能期望我做事情呢
C. 你一直打断我的工作,怎么能指望我
D. 你老是打搅我,我怎么工作
[单项选择]It was all I could do to ______ my anger.
A. cover
B. hide
C. enclose
D. Suppress
[单项选择]Who should do something to deal with the noise pollution
A. the governments
B. the researchers
C. the scientists
D. the world
[单项选择]The ______ noise whistles kept me awake all night.
A. incarnate
B. incessant
C. repetitious
D. rampant
[单项选择]Speaker A: Do you think you could keep the noise down a bitSpeaker B: ______
A. Yes, of course I could. I will turn it down a bit.
B. Oh, I beg your pardon. I think so.
C. Yes, sorry. Am I disturbing you
D. Sorry! Have I been keeping you awake
[单项选择]All my classmates have passed the physical education exam except ______.
A. John and I
B. John and me
C. I and John
D. me and John
[单项选择]We'd be ______ off without all that noise from the children's room.
A. good
B. well
C. better
D. best
[单项选择]I was ______ and all of my equipment ______ working well.
A. in good healthy; was
B. in a good health; were
C. in good health; was
D. in good healthy; were
[单项选择]I checked all my answers ______. my teacher had suggested
A. as to
B. such
C. that
D. as
[单项选择]He is my best friend and ______ all my sufferings.
A. shares
B. participates
C. partakes
D. contributes
[单项选择]Do you remember my name
[单项选择]I checked all my answers __________ my teacher had suggested.  
A. as to
B. as
C. that
D. such

I can't put up with my neighbor's noise any longer; it's driving me mad.()

A. measure
B. generate
C. tolerate
D. reduce
[单项选择]It ______ me about forty minutes to do my homework every day.
[单项选择]It ______ him nearly two hours to do my homework yesterday.
A. spent
B. used
C. paid
D. took
[单项选择]What do all the British children do on Christmas Eve in the story [A] They talk all the night. [B] They sing and dance. [C] They put their stockings at the end of their beds.


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