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发布时间:2023-10-12 12:50:30

[单项选择]______ people say, I believe he is innocent.
A. Whenever
B. However
C. Whoever
D. Whatever

更多"______ people say, I believe he is "的相关试题:

[单项选择]In Black English people say "I won't do nothing" instead of "I won't do anything". This is an instance of ______ dialect.
A. regional
B. social
C. standard
D. temporal
[单项选择]Whatever you say, I don't believe he would be ______ refuse to help me.
A. selfish enough
B. enough selfish to
C. as selfish as to
D. so selfish as to
[单项选择]_________people say about him, I'm sure that he is innocent.
A. However
B. Whenever
C. Whoever
D. Whatever
[单项选择]I should say he is not ______ a teacher as a scholar.
A. too much
B. very much
C. so much
D. as much
[单项选择]What did people say about him
A. They said he was a famous writer.
B. They said he was an important modern painter.
C. They said his painting was important and Contemporary.
D. They said he was an important contemporary.
[单项选择]What does the president say he is doing
[单项选择]You can believe him because I know he told the ______ truth.
A. serious
B. severe
C. strict
D. secret
[单项选择]"They at least is what people say "means people______.
[单项选择]You say he works hard, so he does and ______.
A. so did you
B. so you do
C. so do you
D. so you did
[单项选择]I find it difficult to believe what he says ______ he never tells me the truth.
A. so
B. as
C. though
D. while
[单项选择]Some people say that students' progress in school is ______ by environment.
A. effected
B. affected
C. offered
D. afforded
[单项选择]I find it difficult to believe what he says______he never tells me the truth.
A. so
B. as
C. though
D. while
[单项选择]Some people say the world is smaller than before because ______.
A. TV makes the earth smaller and smaller
B. all people like to watch TV
C. watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day
D. TV brings the outside world closer to people
[单项选择]Some people say that if the holder of chopsticks pushes them______ his stomach to even them up instead of tapping them on the table, the chances are he is a coolie.
A. on
B. against
C. at
D. to
[单项选择]Why does the man say he will never fly with this airline again _____
A. Because of the bad service here.
B. Because it is very clouded here.
C. Because it is not safe with this airline.
D. Because there are always problems.
[单项选择]Why do some people say that they never dream A. They forget all of their dreams. B. They wouldn't like to tell the truth. C. They cannot enjoy their free time.


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