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发布时间:2023-09-30 10:18:39

[单项选择]Nuclear power, with all its inherent problems, is still the only (option) to guarantee enough energy in the future.
A. solution
B. policy
C. choice
D. reason

更多"Nuclear power, with all its inheren"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Nuclear power, with all its inherent problems, is still the only option to guarantee enough energy in the future.( )
A. solution
B. policy
C. choice
D. reason
[单项选择]China started its nuclear power industry only in recent years, and should ______ no time in catching up.
A. delay
B. lose
C. lag
D. lessen
[单项选择]Even the peaceful use of nuclear power is potentially dangerous because of ______.
A. long-term deadly pollution
B. losing its justification
C. an imbalance of benefits
D. a change of morals
[单项选择]Some workers in the nuclear power station were exposed to high levels of ______.
A. radiation
B. cancer
C. microwaves
D. high temperature
[单项选择]China started in nuclear power industry only in recent years, and should ______ no time in catching up.
A. delay
B. lose
C. lag
D. lessen
[单项选择]Unfortunately, his proposal that a nuclear power station ______ in this region was rejected.
A. not to be built
B. not be built
C. would not be built
D. not being built
[单项选择]The author says the risks of using nuclear power are ______.
A. greater than ever
B. balanced by the benefits
C. small and remote
D. practical problems
[单项选择]The use of nuclear power is the subject of widespread______.
A. argument
B. dispute
C. controversy
D. debate
[单项选择]While we are making more use of nuclear power to meet the energy demand, we should never ______ the negative effect it can have on our living environment.
A. neglect
B. release
C. dismiss
D. alter
[单项选择]While we axe making more use of nuclear power to meet the energy demand we should never neglect the _______ effect it can have on our living environment.
A. contrary
B. positive
C. negative
D. extensive
[单项选择]He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.
A. maintained
B. recommended
C. considered
D. acknowledged
[单项选择]Many people favor ______ more nuclear power plants.
A. to build
B. build
C. built
D. building
[单项选择]Nuclear power plants, ______ to some serious breakdowns, have become a center of controversy.
A. having recently been subjected
B. recently having been subjected
C. have recently subjected
D. recently have subjected
[单项选择]Many people favor __________ more nuclear power plants.
A. to build
B. build
C. built
D. building


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