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发布时间:2023-10-13 16:47:06

[单项选择]Jack: Mark, you know your bike Mark: Yes, what about it Jack: You know you said I could borrow it Mark: Yes. ______, will you Jack : Well, I did borrow it but, well, I'm afraid I've had a bit of an accident.
A. Take it yourself
B. Be careful
C. Come on
D. Get to the point

更多"Jack: Mark, you know your bike "的相关试题:

[单项选择] “Could I borrow your bike ” “Yes, you_________”.
A. can
B. could
C. may
D. would
[单项选择]Once you get to know your mistakes, you should __________ them as soon as possible.
A. rectify
B. reclaim
C. refrain
D. reckon
[单项选择]If you want to fix in your mind what you've noted, you should ______.
A. review it as much as possible
B. review it for 5 minutes after class
C. review it for 30 minutes every week
D. review it for 30 minutes at least once a week
[单项选择]Man: You know what You should invest the money yourself. Woman: That had crossed my mind. Question: What does the woman mean
A. The idea had bothered her.
B. She had invested the money.
C. She wouldn’t give it a try.
D. The idea had occurred to her.
[单项选择]Would you be ______ to lend me your bike tomorrow morning
A. as kind as
B. very kind as
C. so kind as
D. very kind so
[单项选择]—Can you lend me your bike —No______.
[单项选择]-- What’s ______ with your bike -- It’s broken.
[单项选择]Would you be __________ to lend me your bike tomorrow morning
A. as kind as
B. very kind as
C. so kind as
D. very kind so
[单项选择]Would you be __________ to lend me your bike tomorrow morning
A. as kind as
B. very kind as
C. so kind as
D. very kind so
[单项选择]Please calm down! I know what you’re saying – there is no need to _____ your voice.
A. raise
B. lower
C. lose
D. soften
[单项选择]What do you know about De Coubertin
A. He was the first man to start the Olympic Games.
B. He helped start the modern Olympic Games.
C. He believed that sports were less important than studies.
D. He failed to begin the modern Olympic Games.
[单项选择]What do you know about Virginia Woolf
A. She is a successful musical novelist.
B. She earned her fame by The Waves.
C. She used some musical techniques in writing The Waves.
D. She used a lot of dialogues to evoke imagery.
[单项选择]-Smoking is bad for your health. -Yes, I know. But I simply can't______.
A. give it up
B. give it in
C. give it out
D. give it away
[单项选择]What do you know about ancient Olympic Games
A. They were mealy athletic festivals.
B. They were in the nature of a national event with a strong religious color.
C. They had roles which put foreign participants in a disadvantageous position.
D. They were primarily a national event with few foreign participants.
[单项选择]What do you know about the dead girl
A. She was a protestant.
B. She enjoyed the "trick or treat" greeting.
C. She was only a girl of 19 years old.
D. We know nothing about her.
[单项选择]What might happen to your company if you do business with movie studios
A. You might become famous as well.
B. You have to be special.
C. You will do hydrcoulic work.
D. You might be thrilled all the time.
[单项选择]—Sorry I've broken your bike. —Oh,


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