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发布时间:2023-11-23 18:47:45

[单项选择]The dolphin leapt up into the air because Sagan was too near the water.

更多"The dolphin leapt up into the air b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The dolphin leapt into the air because ______.
A. Sagan had turned his hack
B. it was part of the game they were playing
C. he wanted Sagan to scratch him again
D. Sagan wanted him to do this
[单项选择]In order to prove air takes up space, we can ______.
A. stuff a dry handkerchief into the bottom of a glass
B. stuff a wet handkerchief into the bottom of a glass
C. stuff a dry handkerchief into the bottom of a jar
D. stuff a wet handkerchief into the bottom of a glass
[单项选择]Professor Carl Sagan believes that Venus might house the people from the earth as long as ________.
A. we fire the rockets containing algae into the atmosphere of Venus
B. we change Venus temperature
C. we make it possible to rain on Venus
D. we change the atmosphere on Venus
[单项选择]When the plane was going up, the air hostess told Henry not to worry about ______.
A. the plane
B. the strange feeling
C. his seat
D. his health
[单项选择]It is up to the government to tackle the air pollution problem and ______ measures in line with the council's suggestions.
A. set about
B. work out
C. fill up
D. bring over
[单项选择]Up ______ into the air.
A. went the arrow
B. the arrow went
C. did the arrow go
D. does the arrow go
[单项选择]Up ______ into the air when the ten-second countdown was over.
A. the rocket shot
B. shot the rocket
C. was the rocket shot
D. the rocket was shot
[单项选择]From the passage we understand that Carl Sagan writes ______.
A. forcefully and complexly
B. elaborately and literally
C. simply and humorously
D. snobbishly and cleverly
[单项选择]When Sagan told the director about what the dolphin had done, the director ______.
[单项选择]How much does Sagan ,think America should spend on Space Exploration
A. More than she does at present.
B. Less than she does at present.
C. As much as England did in the sixteenth century.
D. All of her gross national income.
[单项选择]It would appear that the public Sagan hopes to attract ______.
A. are interested in UFO spotting
B. are only interested in science fiction
C. are unable to write science fiction
D. have a reasonable grounding in science
[单项选择]Up _____into the air when the ten-second countdown was over.
A. the rocket shot
B. shot the rocket
C. was the rocket shot
D. the rocket was shot
[单项选择]Carl Sagan suggests that modem man ______.
A. is very confused about the origin of the Earth
B. might possibly reach life outside the
C. believes it is possible to step off the Earth
D. is historically incapable of exploring the universe
[单项选择]Jane Morrison always lost arguments because she was too timid to {{U}}assert{{/U}} herself.
A. state clearly
B. declare firmly
C. express boldly
D. speak publicly
[单项选择]The researcher mentioned in the third paragraph was fired because ______.
A. she worked for the rival of the company
B. she failed to keep her research results secret
C. she was obliged to keep her discoveries secret
D. she was committed to a contract with a company


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