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发布时间:2023-11-26 19:56:09

[单项选择]Managers often receive considerable training in tile "technical" aspects of their jobs ______ very little in the "people management" aspects.
A. (so
B. ( just as
C. ( yet
D. ( and that

更多"Managers often receive considerable"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In Britain, children must by law receive a full-time education at the age of______.

A. 5-16
B. 7-18
C. 6-16
D. 5-12
A. 通常是蛋白
B. 引起强的IgG应答
C. 不能产生记忆和二次应答
D. 引起抗体产生不需任何类型T细胞的参与
E. 与TCR结合并使之失活
[单项选择]More often than not, early marriage will often______.
[单项选择]When did Moore receive his first commission
A. In 1948.
B. In 1946.
C. In 1931.
D. In 1928.

Every year television stations receive hundreds of complaints about the loudness of advertisements. However, federal rules forbid the practice of making ads louder than the programming. In addition, television stations always operate at the highest sound level allowed for reasons of efficiency. According to one NBC executive, no difference exists in the peak sound level of ads and programming. Given this information, why do commercials sound so loud
The sensation of sound involves a variety of factors in addition to its peak level. Advertisers are skilful at creating the impression of loudness through their expert use of such factors. One major contributor to the perceived loudness of commercials is that much less variation in sound level occurs during a commercial. In regular programming the intensity of sound varies over a large range. However, sound levels in commercials tend to stay at or near peak levels.
Other "tricks of the trade" are also used.
A. does not exceed that of programs
B. is greater than that of programs
C. varies over a large range than that of programs
D. is less than that of programs

[单项选择]Many movies receive disparaging reviews from film experts and yet become extremely successful.
A. authoritative
B. lengthy
C. uninteresting
D. negative
[单项选择]When did English novelist William Golding receive his Nobel Prize in Literature
A. 1981.
B. 1982.
C. 1983.
D. 1984.
[单项选择]By comparison, farmers receive more government subsidies than others.
A. in the developing world
B. in Japan
C. in Europe
D. in America
[单项选择]Most pregnant working women receive their statutory maternity pay directly from their employer for a maximum of()weeks.
A. 17
B. 18
C. 19
D. 20
[单项选择]The multinational training program is mostly concerned with the relation between Americans and ______.
A. the Japanese
B. Arabs
C. Brazilians
D. Orientals
[单项选择]What is important during your training period
A. To try to be a generalist.
B. To choose a profitable job.
C. To find an organization which fits you.
D. To decide whether you are fit to be a specialist or a generalist.
[单项选择]The government provides employment and training services for workers and ______ for those who are temporarily out of work.
A. make
B. compensate
C. relieve
D. resettle
[单项选择]Students with psychological training who were tested ______.
A. marked less than 2 percent of their possible choices correction
B. were less able to judge correctly than the average students
C. did better than the average students in the group
D. did as well as the women students


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