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发布时间:2023-10-11 12:48:39

[单项选择]At last, we ()the small town before dark.
A. got off
B. arrived at
C. came on

更多"At last, we ()the small town before"的相关试题:

[单项选择]______ before we departed last weekend, we would have had a wonderful dinner party.
A. Had they arrived
B. Would they arrive
C. Were they arriving
D. Were they to arrive
[单项选择]A Frenchman went to a small Italian town with his wife.
[单项选择]A Frenchman went to a small Italian town ______.

A. with an Italian
B. with his wife
C. alone
[单项选择]From the last paragraph we learn that
A. the seas we will depend on for future food have been more or less contaminated.
B. the marine resources are directly bound up with our future life.
C. the exploitation drives are essential for us to improve the quality of llfe on the earth.
D. the ecological balance in the seas has nothing to do with that on the land.
[单项选择]From the last paragraph we can conclude that
A. siblings are not in the range of scientific research.
B. people learned management skills from family playroom.
C. spouses learned negotiation skills from their sisters and brothers.
D. studies on siblings are on their way.
[单项选择]From the last paragraph we can see that sometimes the other wives ______.
A. help each other with the housework
B. only help to look after babies
C. live together in one hut
D. are not satisfied with their marriages
[单项选择]Before we move, we should ________some of the old furniture, so that we can have more room in the new house.
A. discard
B. dissipate
C. cancel
D. conceal
[单项选择]From the last paragraph we know that a pop singer ______.
A. can relax only after he is successful
B. must pay much attention to his clothes
C. can enjoy his life at will
D. is often annoyed by his fans
[单项选择]From the last paragraph we can infer that the writer is ______.
A. indifferent to the harmful influence of the mass media
B. happy about the drastic changes in the mass media
C. pessimistic about the future of the mass media
D. concerned about the wrong use of the mass media
[单项选择]A small town on the border between England and Wales ______.
A. does not deal in anything but books
B. deals mainly in books
C. deals in anything but books
D. does not deal in anything but sheep
[单项选择]At last, we found ourselves in a pleasant park with trees providing shade and() down to eat our picnic lunch.
A. having sat
B. sitting
C. to sit
D. sat
[单项选择]Woman: What a pleasant surprise! Last week we bumped into each other here too!Man: You and I must share the idea that the only way to beat the crowds when you do weekend shopping is to be here at the morning opening hour.Question: What does the man imply
A. There is a far bigger crowd in the shop on weekdays.
B. You can get bargains when you do shopping at opening hour on weekends.
C. You can avoid the crowd when you do shopping at an earlier hour on weekends.
D. At opening hour on weekends the shop is usually swamped with people.


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