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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:30:14

[单项选择]He was ______ to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.
A. deduced
B. damped
C. diminished
D. destined

更多"He was ______ to take over the duti"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He was ______ to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.
A. deduced
B. damped
C. diminished
D. destined
[单项选择]According to the passage, cancers may take some healthy steps other than ______.
A. stop smoking
B. exercise regularly
C. take non-fat diet
D. control their weight
[单项选择]A:Can you take over for me here for a little while I have a friend coming to see me. B:I'd like to,but______Ask Peter,he's not so occupied at this moment.
[单项选择]She ______ a strong and positive influence over her friends.
A. draws
B. exerts
C. ensures
D. expends
[单项选择]He said that he would take part in the oral English contest, _____ is most unusual for him.
A. this
B. it
C. that
D. which
[单项选择]They argued for a long time over what he should pay, but finally struck a _________.
A. negotiation
B. debate
C. bargain
D. dispute,
[单项选择]Man is a “victim of forces over which he has no control. ” This is a notion held strongly by ________.
A. Robert Frost
B. Theodore Dreiser
C. Henry James
D. Hamlin Garland
[单项选择]He ______ conscious of his duties to his parents as a filial son.
A. was and always will be
B. has to be and always will be
C. had been and always will be
D. has been and always will be
[单项选择]He explained everything over and over again ______anyone should misunderstand him.
A. since
B. when
C. lest
D. as if
[单项选择]At the beginning he refused to take any responsibility but he had to end up by______.
A. to apologize
B. apologizing
C. apologized
D. apologize
[单项选择]My grandfather was already over seventy, buy he was still ______ and lively.
A. effective
B. organic
C. singular
D. vigorous
[单项选择]The doctor told him that he should take this medicine one pill at one time.
A. told
B. should take
C. one
D. one
[单项选择]My uncle is over forty but he hasn't got any children ()
A. still
B. yet
C. already
[单项选择]Influenced by his teacher, he decided to take politics as his ______.
A. job
B. task
C. work
D. career
[单项选择]He noticed the helicopter hovering over the field. Then to his astonishment, he saw a rope ladder ______ out and three men climbing down it.
A. throwing
B. being thrown
C. having throw
D. having been thrown
[单项选择]He felt it rather difficult to take a stand against the opinion of the majority.
A. 面对大多数人的想法而表示反对意见,他认为这样做很困难。
B. 他觉得针对大家的观点要做出选择很困难。
C. 他认为要站在大多数人的对立面是相当困难的。
D. 他觉得要反对大多数人的意见是相当困难的。
[单项选择]Which of the following activities was the responsibility of the federal government in the nineteenth century
A. Control of the manufacture of gunpowder.
B. Determining the conditions under which individuals worked.
C. Regulation of the supply of money.
D. Inspection of new homes built on western lands.
[单项选择]The governing board of school district is responsible for()
A. the hiring of teachers and staff
B. the designing of a suitable curriculum
C. the compiling and approving of budget
D. All of the above


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