发布时间:2023-09-29 19:33:10

[单项选择]I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you ______ next month for a dinner.
A. come
B. would come
C. came
D. have come

更多"I am too busy these days. I would r"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you ______ next month for a dinner.
A. come
B. would come
C. came
D. have come
[单项选择]I'm rather confused; would you please _________ your proposal to me again
A. expose
B. expand
C. explain
D. explore
[单项选择]I would like to go, ______ I am too busy.
[单项选择]______ you feel too ill to go out, I would rather not stay at home tonight.
A. Because
B. Although
C. Unless
D. If
[单项选择]______you feel too ill to go out, I would rather not stay at home tonight.
A. Because
B. Although
C. Unless
D. If
[单项选择]Computerized firms would rather employ business graduates than computer science graduates because it is easier to train the former into qualified employees.
[单项选择]I would rather()with yon.
A. not to go
B. to not go
C. to go
D. not go
[单项选择]Some people would rather ride bicycles as bicycle riding has ______ of the trouble of taking buses.
A. nothing
B. none
C. some
D. neither
[单项选择]I was really too busy with my homework and I couldn't help ______ housework.
A. doing
B. do
C. did
D. done
[单项选择]Some people would rather ride bikes as bike riding has ______ of the trouble of taking buses.
A. nothing
B. none
C. some
D. neither
[单项选择]He said he would rather notit right now.
A. doing
B. do
C. to do
D. to be doing

Motorists would rather pay more tax than lose the place in the corporate pecking order conferred on them by their company cars. And it is the company car — which accounts for half of all new motor sales each year — which continues to be the key method of measuring your progress up the greasy pole. Although a Roll-Royce or Bentley is the ultimate success symbol, a Jaguar is still desired by most top directors, according to the survey by top people’s pay and perks experts at the Monks Partnership.About 40 per cent of company cars are perks rather than necessities for the job, even though the average company car driver with a 1, 500cc engine is paying more than three times as much in tax compared to a decade ago. Average cash allowances for a company car rise from £1,500 for those whose job requires them to have four wheels, to £4,000 for chief executives. For company chairmen, the BMW 7 series and Jaguar’s Daimler Double Six top the list of favored cars, wit
A. discusses patterns in company car use.
B. advertises famous British company cars.
C. recommends inexpensive company cars.
D. introduces different models of cars.

[单项选择]The reason why one would rather be a mosquito than a mute at a party is that ______.
A. conversation, however meaningless, is preferable to silence
B. a mosquito makes more noise than a mute and noise is second nature to man
C. man can achieve identity through noise
D. the qualities of a mosquito are superior to those of a mute
[单项选择]To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train travel by air.
A. as
B. to
C. than
D. while


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