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发布时间:2023-10-23 04:19:50


The policemen acted quickly because lives were at stake.()

A. in danger
B. in difficulty
C. in despair
D. out of control

更多"The policemen acted quickly because"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The policemen acted quickly because lives were {{U}}at stake{{/U}}.
A. in despair
B. in danger
C. in misery
D. in pain
[单项选择]The fireman acted quickly because lives were ______.
A. out of danger
B. in despair
C. in danger
D. out of condition
[单项选择]Their lives were now __________ by earthshaking change, by the arrival of the modern world.
A. confined
B. concerned
C. confronted
D. consulted
[单项选择]He was easily hurt because his feelings were very ______.
A. sensible
B. sensational
C. sensitive
D. senseless
[单项选择]Because the Appalachian Mountains were difficult to cross, Kentucky was not settled _________ eastern coastal area was.
A. otherwise
B. instead
C. until after
D. in spite of
[单项选择]The competition was intense because there were four parties that planned to ______ for power in the congress.
A. confess
B. contend
C. consist
D. conflict
[单项选择]Because employees were forced to arrive at work ______ than usual this morning, they will be allowed to leave at 4:00 pm.
A. early
B. earliness
C. earliest
D. earlier
[单项选择]Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not ______ with each other.
A. comparable
B. compatible
C. competitive
D. complacent
[单项选择]People liked bicycles because they were ______ horses.
A. cheaper than
B. as cheap as
C. more expensive than
D. as expensive as
[单项选择]I noticed his eyes ______ , because they were very large
A. in particular
B. with particular
C. in special
D. with special
[单项选择]Before 1914 female secretaries were rare because they ______.
A. were less efficient than men
B. were not as serious as men
C. wore stockings
D. would have disturbed the other office workers
[单项选择]Pets are important in our lives because they ______.
A. provide us with food
B. are domestic animals
C. can be our good friends
D. can be very attractive


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