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发布时间:2023-10-03 15:32:32

[单项选择]The board of directors believed it urgent that the files ______ right away.
A. had to be printed
B. should have been printed
C. must be printed
D. should be printed

更多"The board of directors believed it "的相关试题:

[单项选择]So many directors (), the board meeting had to be put off.
A. were absent
B. been absent
C. had been absent
D. being absent
[单项选择]The board of directors have already discussed the subject ______ in the previous meetings and they will handle it in all its aspects.
A. in place
B. at length
C. on end
D. off and on
[单项选择]The university board of trustees deemed it urgent that a new provost ______ to replace Mr. Dannison who had been diagnosed with cancer.
A. be selected
B. should be. selected (should select)
C. must be selected
D. was selected
[单项选择]The board of directors have decided that more investment in this project is out of the question.
A. 董事会决定在这个项目上进一步投资,这是毫无疑问的。
B. 是否在这个项目上投资这一问题应由董事会来决定。
C. 董事会决定暂不讨论在这一项目上的投资问题。
D. 董事会已经决定不可能再在这个项目上进行投资。
[单项选择]The board of directors has made an important decision that will ______ the company's future.
A. influence
B. affect
C. touch
D. impress
[单项选择]The Board of Directors decided that more young men who were qualified would be ______ important positions.
A. attributed to
B. furnished with
C. installed in
D. inserted into
[单项选择]The board of directors required that Mr. Brown expensive equipment justify buying at a time when the company was practicing strict economy.
A. give reasons for
B. verify
C. testify
D. give evidence about
[单项选择]The board of directors required that Mr. Brown justify buying the expensive equipment at a time when the company was practicing strict economy.
A. give reasons for
B. verify
C. testify
D. give evidence about
[单项选择]The board deemed it urgent that these files ______right away.
A. had to be printed
B. should have been printed
C. must be printed
D. should be printed
[单项选择]The board deemed it's urgent that these files ______ right away.
A. had to be printed
B. should have been printed
C. must be printed
D. should be printed
[单项选择]So many directors ______, the board meeting had to be put off.
A. were absent
B. being absent
C. been absent
D. had been absent
[单项选择]So many directors ______ , the board meeting had to be put off.
A. were absent
B. been absent
C. had been absent
D. being absent
[单项选择]So many directors_____, the board meeting had to be put off.
A. were absent
B. been absent
C. had been absent
D. being absent


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