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发布时间:2023-11-03 18:17:22

[单项选择]The passengers can get to the centre of the city by all the transports except ().
A. a taxi
B. by bus
C. by coach service
D. by tube

更多"The passengers can get to the centr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]--How can I get there --You can get there ______ bike.
[单项选择]According to the passage, who can get H-1B visas
A. B.Those who want to immigrate to the U. S.
B. D.Those who want to travel in the U. S.
[单项选择]Who can get the grant
A. A foreign student who has been there for 11 months.
B. A British pupil in a secondary school.
C. A British student who studies in the University.
D. A university graduate who wants to continue his studies.
[单项选择]Buying Inspiron can get a discount.
[单项选择]Lazure Spallanzani demonstrated that a bat can get along well without eyesight through ______.
A. he caught some bats and blinded them and released them
B. four of these blind bats found their way back
C. he recaptured the four returned bats
D. the stomachs of the blind bats found to be filled with flying insects
[单项选择]A woman can get better service from restaurants on her business trip by ______.
A. encouraging her husband and children to learn to cook
B. asking the restaurant for a good table
C. asking the restaurant for food that is good for digestion
D. telling the restaurant in advance that she has no one with her
[单项选择]The advertisement claims that people can get Dow Jones News by ______.
A. choosing Scottrade
B. paying $ 30
C. investing $300,000
D. doing nothing
[单项选择]We can get the information from the article that
A. tipping is very popular in European countries.
B. in Asian countries tipping never existed.
C. tipping is more popular in America than in Europe.
D. tipping is popular in America because the Americans are much richer.
[单项选择]We can get your clients to your nearest location ______ they can buy your product.
A. which
B. when
C. that
D. where
[单项选择]If the candidate can get the support of the women voters, he ______ a good chance of winning the next election.
A. grasps
B. stands
C. grips
D. speculates
[单项选择]According to the passage, whether you can get others' help will mainly depend on ______.
A. your authority
B. your position
C. your relationship
D. your strategy
[单项选择]According to the author, who can get narcotic easily
A. Government men.
B. Medical workers.
C. The minorities.
D. The Jews.
[单项选择]From the last paragraph readers can get to know that Webb ______.
A. is not satisfied with Western flight attendants
B. thinks highly of the flight attendants in China
C. encourages Chinese flight attendants to improve services
D. admires the services of Western flight attendants
[单项选择]A: Where can we get the computer fixed
B: ()
A. Yes. I have no idea.
B. Why not ask John about it.
C. No. I believe there is one at the comer.
D. Why do you want it repaired7
[单项选择]Jack can never get high marks in his maths exam, because he tends to regard his mistakes as ______.
A. neglected
B. neglectful
C. negligible
D. negligent
[单项选择]By the sentence "Road warriors can get local, rather than long-distance, dialing rates by making calls with their laptops" ,the author wants to say _________.
A. people fight so as to get back their laptops.
B. people who fight in the street strive to make phone calls at a reduced price.
C. it is possible for people to get cheap phone rates, thanks to the Internet.
D. Internet is changing our life.
[单项选择]The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at ______ chemist's.
A. each
B. some
C. certain
D. any


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