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发布时间:2023-12-10 19:57:06

[单项选择]There is the possibility that setting maximum rent may ______.
A. cause a shortage of apartments
B. worry those who rent apartments as homes
C. increase the profits of landlords
D. encourage landlords to invest in building apartment

更多"There is the possibility that setti"的相关试题:

[单项选择]There is the possibility that setting maximum rent may______.
A. cause a shortage of apartments
B. worry those who rent apartments as homes
C. increase the profits of landlords
D. encourage landlords to invest in building apartment
[单项选择]The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.
A. rejected
B. investigated
C. proposed
D. postponed
[单项选择]According to Christopher McKay, the possibility of transforming Mars______.

A. could occur only in science fiction stories
B. will not begin for hundreds, even thousands, of years
C. is completely impractical
D. could be started in 40 to 50 years
[单项选择]The police excluded the possibility of revenge by eBay customers after ______.
A. the bodies were found
B. the gun was discovered
C. the gun was analyzed
D. Neil was found in London
[单项选择]The class discusses the possibility of terrorists’ using a homemade atomic bomb to push their extravagant political demands.
A. ... to promote their unique political ideas to a target government.
B. ... to force a government to accept their unreasonable political demands.
C. ... to persuade a government to agree with their terrorist political ideas.
D. ... to negotiate their extraordinary political demands with a government.
[单项选择]The telegraph opened up the possibility of establishing almost______ communication and thereby offered many practical advantages to people in all walks of life.
A. distant
B. instantaneous
C. immediate
D. transient
[单项选择]We explored the possibility of expansion at the conference.
A. offered
B. accepted
C. included
D. investigated
[单项选择]By saying "Now exists the possibility of terrorism by computer", the writer means that ______.
A. some employees may erase information from payroll files
B. students who send out a "virus" may do damages to thousands of computers
C. some people may spread fear in public by destroying computer systems
D. some terrorists are trying to contact each other using electronic mails
[单项选择]The possibility that the explosion was caused by sabotage cannot be ______.
A. broken out
B. cancelled out
C. ruled out
D. wiped out
[单项选择]There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ______ a sudden loud noise.
A. being there
B. should there be
C. there was
D. there having been


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