发布时间:2023-11-10 20:04:48

[单项选择]The brave man was greatly honoured when the organizer announced, "You ______ a medal!"
A. earn
B. expect
C. deserve
D. reserve

更多"The brave man was greatly honoured "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The brave young man, ______ the tiger was beaten to death, is an unusual hunter.
A. of whom
B. by that
C. by whom
D. by which
[单项选择]According to the writer, when man finds it impossible to live together with other species, he usually ______.
A. tries to communicate with them
B. tries to teach them a language
C. sets up a relationship with them
D. wipes them out
[单项选择]It is certain that the time has come when man travel in the outer place.
A. 人们能到外层空间旅行的时代已经到来,这是肯定的。
B. 当人们在外层空间旅行的时候,无疑时间已经到来。
C. 人们肯定能到外层空间旅行的时代已经来了。
D. 毫无疑问,人们能到宇宙太空旅行的时代已经到来。
[单项选择]—He is______ a brave man.—We can't admire his courage ______.
A. actually; very much
B. indeed; too a lot
C. really; too much
D. truly; a bit
[单项选择]—He is______a brave man. —We can't admire his courage
A. actually; very much
B. indeed; too a lot
C. really; too much
D. truly; a bit
[单项选择]--He is ______ a brave man. --We can't admire his courage ______.
A. actually; very much
B. indeed; too a lot
C. really; too much
D. truly; a bit
[单项选择]When did man begin to explore the Antarctic
A. About 100 years ago.
B. In this century.
C. At the beginning of the 19th century.
D. In 1798.
[单项选择]When the man in park saw the writer, the man ______ .
A. begged some money from him
B. tried to hit him
C. offered to help him
D. walked away from him
[单项选择]What happened when the man let go the rope
A. The box fell down and hit the man on the head.
B. The box continued to go up.
C. The man went up to the top of the building.
D. The man fell down and broke his legs.
[单项选择]Which name is not mentioned when the man tried to quote some sayings to calm down

A. Plato.
B. Webster.
C. George Herbert.
D. Pythagoras.
[单项选择]When was man's life changed in many ways
A. When he did.
B. It is not known.
C. When he learned how to make use of fire.
D. With fire.
[单项选择]When the man was searching his hip pocket for a match, the author_____.
A. felt excited
B. was dissatisfied
C. was angry
D. did not want to trouble him more
[单项选择]How did the other guests feel when the man was eating his peas with a knife
A. They thought it was nothing unusual.
B. They could not accept his way of eating.
C. They paid no attention to his behavior.
D. They believed his table manners were interesting.


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