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发布时间:2023-10-11 17:59:04

[单项选择]This is an exciting area of study, and one ______ which new applications are being discovered almost daily.
A. from
B. by
C. in
D. through

更多"This is an exciting area of study, "的相关试题:

[单项选择]This is an exciting area of study, and one ______ which new applications are being discovered almost daily.
A. from
B. by
C. in
D. through
[单项选择]( )is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the word.
A. Traditional longistics
B. Modem logistics
C. Supply chain management
D. Operation management
[单项选择]A heavily populated agricultural area is one where ______.
A. there are more factories than farms
B. only a few farmers live
C. too many farmers live close to one another
D. people suffer and starve
[单项选择]According to the passage, if one wants to study consumer behavior, he should ______.
[单项选择]One can learn more about a culture from a study of art history than from general history classes because art history
A. shows us the religions and emotions of a people in addition to political values
B. does not focus on objective politics, or economics, or war
C. gives us an insight into the essential qualities of a time and a place
D. provides us with information about the daily activities of people
[单项选择]If one goes to study in the United States as an ESL student, ________.
A. he or she must use English as his or her own language
B. he or she must be a Canadian
C. his or her first language is not English
D. he or she must be a Chinese
[单项选择]Massive database management may be one area that could be ______ by optical technology.
A. presided
B. occupied
C. operated
D. dominated
[单项选择]One weakness of this study may be ______.

The topic of thought is one area of psychology, and many observers have considered this aspect in connection with robots and computers: Some of the old worry about A1 (artificial intelligence) were closely linked to the question of whether computers could think. The first massive electronic computers, capable of rapid (if often unreliable) computation and little or no creative activity, were soon named "electronic brains". A reaction to this terminology quickly followed: To put them in their place, computers were called "high-speed idiots", an effort to protect human vanity. But not everyone realized the implications of the expression: "high-speed idiot". It has not been pointed out often enough that even the human idiot is one of the most intelligent fife forms on the earth. If the early computers were even that intelligent, it was already a remarkable state of affairs. One consequence from studying the possibility of computer thought was that we we
A. are terms that are not clear and will never be exactly defined.
B. might come to be better understood because of research into artificial intelligence and computers.
C. have precise biological meanings that refer only to human mental processes.
D. should not be used to describe computers.

[单项选择]Acoustics, (the) study of sounds, (is) one of the (oldest) of the (physically) sciences.
A. the
B. is
C. oldest
D. physically
[单项选择]The area ______ Tom Jacobs resides in s one of the most desirable suburbs in Seattle.

A. where
B. which
C. what
D. who


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