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发布时间:2023-11-18 07:17:12

[单项选择]When he realized the true nature of the proposal, he ______ all communication with the group.
A. convert
B. reverted
C. severed
D. make

更多"When he realized the true nature of"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When he realized the true nature of the proposal, he ______ all communication with the group.
A. convert
B. reverted
C. severed
D. make
[单项选择]When will he come again When he______, I'll let you know.
[单项选择]—When will he come again —When he ______, I'll let you know.
[单项选择](When) he found he (hadn't) enough money (to pay for) the meal, he was very much (embarrassing).
[单项选择]When he knew that he had passed the exam, he felt a great weight _____ off his mind.
A. taken
B. took
C. to take
D. taking
[单项选择]I don't know when he ______ back. When he comes back, please let me know.
A. would come
B. comes
C. will come
D. is coming
[单项选择]Only when (he realized) that there (would be) more (difficulties) ahead than he expected (he came to) me for help.
A. he realized
B. would be
C. difficulties
D. he came to
[单项选择]Last year when he traveled in France he pretended to be French, but his German_________ give him away.
A. accent
B. accessory
C. consensus
D. consent
[单项选择]All students ______ a loud laugh when professor Henry Mitchel told them the joke.
A. let off
B. let down
C. let out
D. let up
[单项选择]When he found he hadn't enough money to pay for the meal, he was very much embarrassing.
[单项选择]There are moments in life when true______is called for, when it becomes an absolute necessity, out of a deep sense of justice, to______in the strongest possible language.
A. (A) honor … soliloquize
B. (B) largesse… pontificate
C. (C) eloquence… adjudicate
D. (D) dignity… expatiate
E. (E) invective … vituperate
[单项选择]When he found he (hadn't) enough money to (pay for) the meal, he was (very much) (embarrassing).
[单项选择]Paul attends very meetings,and when he does,he has very to say.
A. little; few
B. few; little
C. a little; a few
D. a few; a little
[单项选择]When he arrived home, he deposited his coat on the door.
A. kept
B. located
C. stored
D. placed
[单项选择]When he returned home, he found the window open and something ______.
A. to steal
B. stealing
C. stole
D. stolen


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