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发布时间:2023-12-03 06:25:49

[单项选择]The traveller walked away because he thought Aesop didn't like him.

更多"The traveller walked away because h"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Yesterday, Jane walked away from the discussion. Otherwise, she ______ something she would regret later.
A. had said
B. said
C. might say
D. might have said
[单项选择]A user reports that they walked away from their laptop for 30 minutes and when they came backthe screen was very dim. The user tried moving the mouse and increasing the brightness setting,but neither worked. Which of the following should the technician do FIRST?()
A. Plug in an external monitor to test the video card.
B. Run a check disk scan to verify there is no corruption.
C. Check if the laptop is now on battery power.
D. Have the LCD screen replaced with a known good screen.
[单项选择]At her word she stood up and walked away, stopping at the window to pull back the curtain and ______.
A. look round
B. look out
C. look up
D. look on
[单项选择]As he walked out the court, he was ______ with frustration and rage.
A. applauding
B. quivering
C. paralyzing
D. limping
[单项选择]He thought that he had interpreted it clearly. ______, no one caught what he had said.
A. Critically
B. Conversely
C. Evidently
D. Eventually
[单项选择]Although he thought he was helping us to prepare the dinner, he was actually______ the way.
A. in
B. off
C. by
D. on
[单项选择]A traveller's cheque is selfidentifying because the issuer can have his name on it.
[单项选择]Aesop couldn't answer the question before he knew how fast the traveller could walk.
[单项选择]He thought nobody was around, but he was in fact seen ______ into the office building.
A. to steal
B. steal
C. stole
D. stolen
[单项选择]He thought the door was locked, but he turned the ______ and the door opened.
A. knock
B. handle
C. knob
D. knot
[单项选择]He thought tile door was locked, but he turned the ______ and the door opened.
A. knock
B. handle
C. knob
D. knot
[单项选择]He told the director that he had thought honestly the ethics of what he was doing().
A. behavior
B. conduct
C. morality
D. law
[单项选择]He told the police that he had thought honestly about the {{U}}ethics{{/U}} of what he was doing.
A. behavior
B. way
C. morality
D. law
[单项选择]He walked so ______ that he missed the last bus.
[单项选择]He ______ his coat when he walked into the office.


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