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发布时间:2024-03-29 23:03:54

[单项选择]In Paragraph One, the author mainly tells us ______.
A. the methods of public relations
B. the activities of public relations
C. the functions of public relations
D. the definition of public relations

更多"In Paragraph One, the author mainly"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In Paragraph One, the author mainly tells us _________.
A. the methods of public relations
B. the activities of public relations
C. the functions of public relations
D. the definition of public relations
[单项选择]In the second paragraph, the author tells us that ______.
A. a better explanation of the great issue of our time has some advantages
B. nonspecialists can get help from studying in colleges and universities
C. education system will benefit from the research of the great issue of our time
D. all of the above
[单项选择]In the first paragraph, the author tells us that ______.
A. historical study of phrases using bull as an image
B. bears and bulls are not friends of humans
C. bulls are powerful animals and people associate them with certain feelings
D. bears and bulls used to be worshipped by primitive people
[单项选择]In the last paragraph, the author tells us that______.
[单项选择]The passage mainly tells us: one must be good at learning and using his brain.
[单项选择]The text mainly tells us about
[单项选择]The passage mainly tells us ______.
A. how to follow a healthy diet during a holiday
B. how to control your foods during a holiday
C. how to maintain your normal weight during a holiday
D. how to maintain physical activity during a holiday
[单项选择]This passage mainly tells us ______.
A. past efforts to estimate deforestation in the Amazon have completely failed
B. that damages caused by logging and fires threaten the Amazon rain forest
C. Amazon rainforest disappears faster than thought
D. that satellite images are made use of for estimating deforestation
[单项选择]The first paragraph mainly tells us______.
[单项选择]The passage mainly tells us that ______.
[单项选择]The passage mainly tells us about______.

A. the importance of culture
B. different learning styles
C. cultural influence upon learning styles
D. how to teach children from different culture
[单项选择]Paragraph 1 mainly tells us that______.
A. animals can be very clever
B. the difference between chimpanzees and termites can be very small
C. chimpanzees and the human beings are very much alike
D. the human race is not unique in exhibiting some features of the way of life


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