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发布时间:2023-11-04 21:19:29

[单项选择]What can we assume from the passage
A. Most people who feel they have been wronged have a ready remedy in court of law.
B. Many people would like to bring a case to court,but are unable to because of time required.
C. The judicial system in the United States is highly acclaimed for its efficiency.
D. Pretrial conferences will someday probably have replaced trials completely.

更多"What can we assume from the passage"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What can we assume from the passage.
A. Most people who feel they have been wronged have a ready remedy in court of law.
B. Many people would4ike to bring a case to court, but are unable to because of time require&
C. The judicial system in the United States is highly acclaimed for its efficiency.
D. Pretrial conferences will someday probably have replaced trials completely.
[单项选择]We can assume from the passage that Mike DeWine______.
A. is happy to support Bush with all his might
B. is too busy to join the campaign in his home state
C. is an important candidate for the coming election
D. is too shy to stand in front of the journalists
[单项选择]What conclusion can we draw from the conversation

[单项选择]What conclusion can we get from the passage
[单项选择]We can assume from this passage that ______.
A. Sophia thought that deaf people were better off living with a relative who could take care of them and support them
B. Sophia believed that deaf people should have equal rights of education and employment
C. Sophia wished that she could have visited deaf schools in Europe
D. Sophia always wanted a dormitory to be named after her
[单项选择]What message can we get from the last paragraph
A. American football might develop in different places.
B. American football is supposed to be changeable.
C. American football will have its own rules.
D. American football might see changes in the years to come.
[单项选择]What conclusion can we draw from the last paragraph of this passage
A. Law enforcement is necessary for artistic expression.
B. Law enforcement is necessary for freedom of enjoyment.
C. Law enforcement is necessary for banning the obscene.
D. Law enforcement is necessary for the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
[单项选择]What message can we get from the two photos in the magazine
[单项选择]What can we infer from paragraph 1

A. The criminal could benefit from committing a computer crime.
B. Computer crimes are the most serious problem in nowadays society.
C. Criminals of computer crimes must be highly educated.
D. Anyone who commits computer crimes will be .punished immediately.
[单项选择]What can we infer from George Louie

A. He was hired by DeLiberty to work on his case.
B. Louie has conducted many successful cases.
C. Louise feels sympathy for those businesses that have been set up.
D. Louie has lost his professionalism as an attorney.
[单项选择]What can we learn from the passage
A. Americans know a lot about international affairs.
B. Friendships among Americans tend to be more formal.
C. Americans always seem to be on the move.
D. Americans like to cooperate with other people.
[单项选择]What can we infer from the passage


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