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发布时间:2023-10-10 09:52:51

[单项选择]As a young boy, he only received three years of _____ education, but he loved reading and later became a famous writer.
A. constant
B. former
C. formal
D. normal

更多"As a young boy, he only received th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He is' only a boy of three, but he can learn the poem ______heart.
A. by
B. at
C. in
D. to
[单项选择]When the boy came back years later, he found the empty old house there.
A. none but
B. none other than
C. nothing but
D. no other than
[单项选择]He had in the proceeding three years run up debts ______ to more than $ 3,000.
A. totaling
B. summing
C. amounting
D. numbering
[单项选择]He drives much ______ than he did three years ago.
[单项选择]A boy of nine who is" three years retarded" has a mental age of ______.
A. six
B. nine
C. twelve
D. three
[单项选择]Though he is only seven years old, he has a ______ imagination.
A. faithful
B. fertile
C. frank
D. furious
[单项选择]After ten years' absence he came back only to find his family was not ______ it used to be.
A. which
B. what
C. when
D. such
[单项选择]Only after being asked three times did he come to join in the training of the college football team on Saturday, which made his teacher very angry with him.
A. 被问了三次后,他才来参加周六学院足球队的训练,他的老师很生气。
B. 叫了三次,他才来参加学院足球队周六这天的训练,这让他的老师很生气。
C. 只有在被叫了三次以后,他才来参加周六学院足球队的训练,这让他的老师对他很生气。
D. 才叫了三次,他就来参加周六学院足球队的训练,这使他的老师很生他的气。
[单项选择]Though he was almost ninety years old, he was still alive and ______.
A. alert
B. grave
C. elegant
D. persistent
[单项选择]Strange enough they moved to this town three years ago to the day.
A. 真奇怪,直到今天才知道他们是三年前搬到这个镇上的。
B. 到今天才知道他们是三年前搬到这个镇上的,真是陌生人。
C. 真奇怪,三年前他们是同一天搬到这个镇上的。
D. 他们是陌生人,三年前才搬到镇上。
[单项选择]It was three years after the first satellite launching that a spaceship containing a man made a successful flight.
A. 那是在第一颗人造卫星发射三年之后,一艘载人飞船进行了首次成功飞行。
B. 第一次发射卫星经历了三年时间,而载人飞船一次就飞行成功。
C. 第一颗人造卫星发射三年之后,一艘载。人宇宙飞船进行了成功的飞行。
D. 第一颗人造卫星飞行了三年,接着就成功地进行了载人飞船的飞行。
[单项选择]When he was 15 years old, he started going on the______ and gradually became a little star.
A. stage
B. platform
C. shortcut
D. alien
[单项选择]Three years ago, the previous Honda Dream Team completed the course to Adelaide in ______.
A. 36 hours and 2 minutes
B. 33 hours and 32 minutes
C. 31 hours and 2 minutes
D. 2 and half hours
[单项选择]The IPCC announcement three years ago that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is" ______.
A. possibly due to human activities
B. possibly because human activities
C. due to likely human activities
D. human activities likely attributable


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