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发布时间:2023-10-28 01:17:08

[单项选择]After he heard the news, he went to the hospital ______ once.

更多"After he heard the news, he went to"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—I heard you went mountain climbing but didn't reach the top. —Yes, we tried______.
A. hardly to climb the mountain
B. hard to climb the mountain
C. to climb the mountain hard
D. to climb the mountain hardly
[单项选择]Soon after he left the hospital, his lung cancer ______again.
A. flared up
B. caught up
C. sprang up
D. came back
[单项选择]He felt ______ when he heard the bad news.
[单项选择]He was ______ when he heard the unexpected news, but I finally convinced him.
A. incredible
B. inevitable
C. incredulous
D. indifferent
[单项选择]It was three weeks later _____ he heard the news.
A. which
B. that
C. after
D. when
[单项选择]______ that he's already heard the news.
A. Chances are
B. Chance is
C. Opportunities are
D. Opportunity is
[单项选择]I heard that you went to the hospital yesterday. What was the doctor's of your chest pains
A. analysis
B. diagnosis
C. dialogue
D. synthesis
[单项选择]Jim felt ______when he heard the good news.
[单项选择]When he went out, he would wear sunglasses () nobody would recognize him.
A. so that
B. now that
C. as though
D. in case
[单项选择]He must have heard of the bad news, ______ can be perceived in his expression.
A. as
B. what
C. while
D. that
[单项选择]He went back to work after he had recovered from his illness ______ that they had found another person to replace him.
A. had been told
B. being always told
C. only to be told
D. unfortunately told
[单项选择]He must have heard of the bad news, ______can be perceived in his expression.
A. as
B. what
C. while
D. that
[单项选择]He must have been very depressed when he heard the news,
[单项选择]He went on to say that he would go to his hometown in ______ of peace.
A. quest
B. allowance
C. thirst
D. greed


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