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发布时间:2024-03-28 20:35:05

[单项选择]The criminal always paid ______ cash so the police could not track him down.
A. on
B. for
C. by
D. in

更多"The criminal always paid ______ cas"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The criminal always paid ______ cash so the police could not track him down.
A. on
B. by
C. for
D. in
[单项选择]Some speculators were_____cash and so they sold their shares at any price.
A. badly needed
B. in badly need of
C. badly needy
D. badly in need of
[单项选择]The police have ______ all the other suspects, so only one now remains.
A. destroyed
B. eliminated
C. cancelled
D. forbidden
[单项选择]Who paid for the project
[单项选择]The police made a mistake.
[单项选择]The internal police witness statements provide graphic evidence of the motives of the mobs—at one point crowds several thousand strong roamed the streets of Notting Hill,_____ homes and attacking any West Indian they could find.
A. plunging into
B. breaking into
C. seeking for
D. searching for
[单项选择]Having investigated carefully, the police arrived at the conclusion that the taxi-driver should take full responsibility for the yesterday's accident.
A. 经过仔细调查,警方到达结果,出租车司机不用对昨天的事故负责。
B. 经过仔细调查,警方到达结果,出租车司机该对昨天的事故负充分的责任。
C. 经过仔细调查,警方得出结论,出租车司机该对事故负一定的责任。
D. 经过仔细调查,警方得出结论,出租车司机该对昨天的事故负全责。
[单项选择]The police investigation discovered that three young men were () in the robbery.
A. caught
B. involved
C. connected
D. included
[单项选择]The Commission found instances where police officers had lied under oath, ______ evidence, neglected black prisoners and wrongly imprisoned Aborigines.
A. entailed
B. fabricated
C. cleansed
D. precluded
[单项选择]But the police witness statements and private statistics _____ .
A. told differently
B. interpreted in a different way
C. existed m any differences
D. told a different story
[单项选择]But police eyewitness reports in the secret papers_____ that they were overwhelmingly the work of a white working class mob out to get the“niggers”.
A. contain
B. convince
C. consist
D. confirm
[单项选择]The police excluded the possibility of revenge by eBay customers after ______.
A. the bodies were found
B. the gun was discovered
C. the gun was analyzed
D. Neil was found in London
[单项选择]The suspect cooperated fully with the police when ______ about his role in the incident.
A. required
B. questioned
C. demanded
D. negotiated
[单项选择]Police questioned the prisoner for several hours, but were unable to ______ any further information.
A. abstract
B. extract
C. subtract
D. distract
[单项选择]The police inspector, having received new information from a confidential source, decided to enlarge the ______ of his enquiry.
A. scope
B. magnitude
C. dimension
D. volume
[单项选择]City police Sunday arrested former Mayor Richard Weekly on a long list of bribery, official misconduct, fraud, and corruption charges.
A. deceit
B. murder
C. privilege
D. accident


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