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发布时间:2023-12-15 19:54:24

[单项选择]How I wish you ______ her everything! She almost cried her heart out.
A. did not tell
B. had not told
C. were not telling
D. are not telling

更多"How I wish you ______ her everythin"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How I wish you ______ her everything! She almost cried her heart out.
A. did not tell
B. had not told
C. were not telling
D. are not telling
[单项选择]How she wishes she ______ more attention to her lessons when she was at school! [A] have paid [B] paid [c] had paid [D] has paid
[单项选择]How she wishes she ______more attention to her lessons when she was at school!
A. have paid
B. paid
C. had paid
D. has paid
[单项选择]How she wishes she______more attention to her lessons when she was at school!
A. have paid
B. paid
C. had paid
D. has paid
[单项选择]How did the author feel when Jennie told her she had broken up with her boy friend
A. She felt relived.
B. She felt happy and proud.
C. She felt frustrated and angry.
D. She felt exhausted.
[单项选择]How she wishes she _________ more attention to her lessons when she was at school!
A. have paid
B. paid
C. had paid
D. has paid
[单项选择]How is she getting on with her studies
A. Age makes it more difficult for her to cope with her studies.
B. She devotes only one hour a day to her studies.
C. Her memory is as good as it ever was.
D. She has to read everything twice.
[单项选择]How can you ______ her offer I'm afraid she will feel hurt.
A. turn out
B. turn up
C. turn down
D. turn away
[单项选择]How can you______her offer I'm afraid she will feel hurt.
A. turn out
B. turn up
C. turn down
D. turn away
[单项选择]How was her flight to Australia
A. Dangerous.
B. Difficult.
C. Unpleasant.
D. Pleasant.
[单项选择]How old will she be if she makes the 2012 Olympics

A. 34.
B. 38.
C. 28.
D. Her age not mentioned.
[单项选择]How did the author feel when she saw her children searching under the Christmas tree for their presents
A. Greedy.
B. Cheerful.
C. Laughable.
D. Disheartened.
[单项选择]"How is your mother now She had her temperature ______ in the hospital."
A. to be taken
B. to take
C. taken
D. take
[单项选择]How can you expect her to _____ exactly what happened fifteen years ago
A. reserve
B. recall
C. remind
D. repeat


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