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发布时间:2023-10-02 07:33:35

[单项选择]He swallows his words so much that I can never ______ what he is saying.
A. make out
B. put up
C. deal with
D. take up

更多"He swallows his words so much that "的相关试题:

[单项选择]How can he do so much work He ______ stay late at the office every evening and take work home at weekends.
[单项选择]So much ______ his financial position that he can't sleep at night.
A. he worries about
B. he worried about
C. did he worry about
D. does he worry about
[单项选择]He cannot see anything without his glasses, so he made a ______ of remembering to get them fixed before he went to work.
A. chore
B. success
C. point
D. mess
[单项选择]It stands to reason that if he never prepares his lessons, be is not going to make good progress.
A. is clear and logical and
B. makes good
C. is not difficult to understand
D. is out of the question
[单项选择]He asked the question not so much because of his curiosity as because of his desire for knowledge.
A. 他提出这个问题不是出于求知欲而是出于好奇心。
B. 与其说他是出于好奇心提出这个问题,还不如说是出于对知识的渴望提出这个问题。
C. 他提出这个问题不是出于好奇心而是出于求知欲。
D. 因为对知识的渴望和好奇心,他提出这个问题。
[单项选择]When people ask him for help, he never turned his back ______ them.
A. with
B. off
C. from
D. on
[单项选择]He has changed his ()about spending so much money on the book.
A. brain
B. head
C. mind
D. thought
[单项选择]Sam likes music very much.He livesbut he never feels.
A. alone;lonely
B. alone;alone
C. lonely;alone
D. lonely;lonely
[单项选择]He had never given a speech for so many people, so he felt ______.
A. excited
B. stupid
C. disappointed
D. nervous
[单项选择]He had never given a speech to so many people, so he felt ______.
A. excited
B. stupid
C. disappointed
D. nervous
[单项选择]Jack is so ______ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
A. adverse
B. anonymous
C. indifferent
D. casual
[单项选择]The author was adopted since his childhood, so he ______.
A. left his step mother to try to find his birth parents
B. resented his adoptive mother covering the truth
C. was obsessed by the feeling of abandonment
D. felt grateful for his adoptive parents


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