发布时间:2024-01-02 21:15:24

[单项选择]A mobile phone of this type costs too much. You()better .
A. wait
B. waiting
C. waited
D. to wait

更多"A mobile phone of this type costs t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Your mobile phone needs _____. You’d better have it done tomorrow.
A. repaired
B. to repair
C. repairing
D. being repaired
[单项选择]A driver caught using the mobile phone while driving may ______.
A. lose his license
B. be put to jail
C. lose points on his license
D. turn in his mobile phone
[单项选择]Putting your mobile phone on a restaurant table may make your friends think
A. you prefer to talk to your friends at the table
B. you value your calls more than your friends
C. you are enjoying the company of your friends
D. you are polite and considerate of your friends
[单项选择]According to Leszczynski, how does mobile phone affect one's health
A. Mobile phone radiation can increase protein activities and such activities can make the protective shield more permeable.
B. Mobile phone radiation can shrink the blood vessels and prevent blood from flowing smoothly.
C. Mobile phone radiation will bring stress to people exposed to it.
D. Mobile phone radiation kills blood cells at a rapid speed.
[单项选择]According to Leszezynski, how does mobile phone affect one's health
A. Mobile phone radiation can increase protein activities and such activities can make the protective shield more permeable.
B. Mobile phone radiation can shrink the blood vessels and prevent blood from flowing smoothly.
C. Mobile phone radiation will bring stress to people exposed to it.
D. Mobile phone radiation kills blood cells at a rapid speed.
[单项选择]The article called the mobile phone one of the ten most innovative products of the year.
A. abnormal
B. remarkable
C. progressive
D. useful
[单项选择]How many mobile phone users will there be in Australia by the year 2000, according to the passage
A. 3.3 million.
B. Almost half of the population.
C. One third of the population.
D. One fourth of the population.
[单项选择]According to the passage, the use of mobile phone is unlikely to cause ______.
[单项选择]Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is not an easy task because technology ______so rapidly.
A. is changing
B. has changed
C. changed
D. will change
[单项选择]Why can mobile phone be a much more serious problem()
A. Because people hate the businessmen using mobiles in public places.
B. Because the use of mobile phones can be physically harmful.
C. Because there is strong evidence for the problems of mobiles.
D. Because people feel their privacy unprotected in a caf6 or restaurant.
[单项选择]Within 2 years, the turnout of this mobile phone manufacturing company increased ______.
A. ten fold
B. ten-fold
C. ten-time
D. ten-folds
[单项选择]I didn't know your mobile phone number; otherwise I ()you the moment I got to Washington。
A. have rung
B. wound ring
C. have rung
D. wound have rung
[单项选择]It was ______ he lost his mobile phone that he didn't call you back.
A. for
B. as
C. because
D. since
[单项选择]Mobile phone, e-mail and telephone ______ of people's social communication nowadays.
A. are the most three common means
B. are the three most common means
C. are the most common three means
D. are three the most common means


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