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发布时间:2023-11-16 18:25:11

[单项选择]Elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs because______.

更多"Elephants can be used to do some he"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs because______.

A. they can eat a lot
B. they are very heavy, too
C. they are very strong
[单项选择]Do you believe that some fish can produce electricity strong enough to light a lamp or ______ run a small electric motor
A. further
B. rather
C. else
D. even
[单项选择]When there is a heavy rain, trees can help to prevent floods, as they can ______
A. keep rain from falling down to soft ground
B. cause the soil to allow rainwater to sink in
C. make the topsoil stick together
D. prevent the soil from being washed away
[单项选择]Some of the jobs that the illegal immigrants do as mentioned in the article include the following ______.
A. harvesting crops, working in hotels, repairing roads and packaging meat
B. harvesting crops, managing restaurants, cleaning roads and packaging meat
C. rebuilding homes, picking apples, cleaning roads and cutting meat
D. repairing power lines, working in hotels, and working in parks
[单项选择]The robots in use now can do many jobs ______.
A. independently through its own senses and actions
B. according to the instructions from human workers
C. according to the instructions from computer brain,
D. according to the instructions from communicating device
[单项选择]—If you like I can do some shopping for you. —That's a very kind ______.
A. offer
B. service
C. point
D. suggestion
[单项选择]Under-used computer equipment can proliferate in large companies without a system to {{U}}monitor{{/U}} purchasing.
A. know
B. order
C. screen
D. watch
[单项选择]When taken in large quantities some drugs can cause permanent brain damage.
A. lasting
B. serious
C. terrible
D. temporary
[单项选择]Some students can't attend ground classes because they ______.
[单项选择]Automatic machines can only do the jobs they ______ to do.
A. have asked
B. ask
C. have been asked
D. will ask
[单项选择]A basic cable tester can be used to do which of the following?()
A. Assure end to end continuity of a UTP cable.
B. Locate the distance to a cable break.
C. Determine the CAT level of a UTP cable.
D. Determine the distance to the nearest wiring closet.
[单项选择]Some people can be addicted ______ mahjong.
A. to play
B. with playing
C. by playing
D. to playing
[单项选择]Some animals can ______ in the desert on very little water.
A. survive
B. starve
C. relieve
D. routine
[单项选择]It is so heavy that it can only be lifted with our ______ effort.
A. joint
B. equal
C. able
D. capable


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