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发布时间:2023-10-04 00:12:24

[单项选择]It's urgent that a meeting ______ before the final decision is made.
A. will be arranged
B. must be arranged
C. be arranged
D. would be arranged

更多"It's urgent that a meeting ______ b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It's urgent that a meeting ______before the final decision is made.
A. will be arranged
B. must be arranged
C. be arranged
D. would be arranged
[单项选择]According to the passage, before the final results of the study were known, which of the following seemed likely
A. That workers with the highest productivity would also be the most accurate.
B. That workers who initially achieved high productivity ratings would continue to do so consistently.
C. That the highest performance ratings would be achieved by workers with the highest productivity.
D. That the most productive workers would be those whose supervisors claimed to value productivity.
[单项选择]In the press conference before the final, the captain of the team gave his______ that they would beat all their opponents.
A. assurance
B. assumption
C. sanction
D. insurance
[单项选择]Before the final exam, many students have shown ______ of tension (紧张). Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite (胃口).
A. anxiety
B. marks
C. signs
D. remarks
[单项选择]We ______ a sports meeting the day before yesterday.
[单项选择]The reason why I left before the meeting ended was ________________ I was bored by the lengthy speeches.
A. that
B. because
C. because that
D. for
[单项选择]Whom should a secretary inform before a meeting() .
A. All those authorized to participate
B. Presents and participants
C. The participants who have titles
D. None
[单项选择]We ______ a sports meeting the. day before yesterday.
[单项选择]Looking ______ carefully before making the final decision. ( )
A. about
B. after
C. back
D. down
[单项选择]What will they do before the meeting with Mr. de Bedts________
A. Going to the hotel
B. Enjoying themselves
C. Freshening up
D. Both A and C
[单项选择]A: I ought to eat before I head to the meeting. B: ______.
[单项选择]Before the meeting, a ______was held to verify information.
A. (A) brief
B. (B) briefing
C. (C) briefly
D. (D) briefed
[单项选择]Before 1920s, American women were deprived ( )the right to vote to a large extent.
A. of
B. to
C. from
D. with
[单项选择]We can assume that this meeting is not likely to start on time.
A. 我们假定人们不喜欢按时召开会议。
B. 我们可以承担这次会谈不可能按时进行的责任。
C. 我们可以假定这次会谈不可能按时进行。
D. 我们也已猜想这次会谈很可能不会按时进行。
[单项选择]The final plan is supposed to ______ before December.
A. hand in
B. be handed in
C. hand over
D. be handed over
[单项选择]Where was the donor's meeting held

A. Belgrade.
B. Brussels.
C. Geneva.
D. Washington,
[单项选择]Meeting Hall
Multi-language instant translation system, 4th floor
A. Translation is done at the same time.
B. Speeches will be translated later.
C. You will get translated version right away.


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