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发布时间:2023-11-01 04:51:00

[单项选择]The Great Wall is the place ______ almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to China.
A. where
B. to which
C. in which
D. which

更多"The Great Wall is the place ______ "的相关试题:

[单项选择]If you travel in a strange place, a tour ______ may save you a lot of time.
A. director ______
B. helper
C. guide
D. assistant
[单项选择]In Great Britain, almost _______of medical prescription items are supplied free.
A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 70%
D. 80%
[单项选择]Switzerland is ______ a place to indulge in all your favorite winter sports; it's also a marvelous spot to relax.
A. rather than
B. more than
C. less than
D. other than
[单项选择]There is no such place ______ you dream of in all this world.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. as
[单项选择]TOUR A-110: MORNING TIJUANA TOUR 8:30 am TO 12:30 pm ADULT: $ 29 CHILD: $15 A. It takes 5 hours to tour around Tijuana. B. The cost is different for adults and children. C. A-110 is a full day tour in Tijuana.
[单项选择]DOCENT: TOUR::
A. (A) comedian : prop
B. (B) philosopher : inspiration
C. (C) chef : kitchen
D. (D) guide : safari
E. (E) surveyor : land
[单项选择]By saying "staggered from place to place" (Line 3, Para. 4), the author is intended to show
A. the road conditions are very bad in many places around India
B. it is a tough job to have a voting in the Indian elections
C. the efficiency of Indian officers is too low to go on quickly
D. the situation in India cannot guarantee the security of elections
[单项选择]What is "grand tour" now
A. Moderate cost.
B. Local sight-seeing is investigated by the tourist organization.
C. People enjoy the first-rate comforts.
D. Everybody can enjoy the" grand tour".
[单项选择]英译汉:“Place of origin;place of issue;port of call”,正确的翻译为()
A. 途径口岸;签证地点;产地
B. 产地;签证地点;途径口岸
C. 签证地点;产地;途径口岸
D. 产地;途径口岸;签证地点
[单项选择]英译汉:“place of origin;place of issue;port of call”,正确的翻译为( )
A. 途径口岸;签证地点;产地
B. 产地;签证地点;途径口岸
C. 签证地点;产地;途径口岸
D. 产地;途径口岸;签证地点
[单项选择]Where does the self-guider tour start

A. In the Science Building.
B. In the Student Center Building.
C. In the University Recreation Center.
D. In the University.
[单项选择]The Wall Street multimillionaires are looking for new markets overseas where they can______ their surplus goods.
A. damp
B. deliver
C. dump
D. stamp
[单项选择]When is the guided tour of the campus given

A. Only during the first week of classes.
B. Whenever students ask for them.
C. Only in the afternoon.
D. In the afternoon.
[单项选择]Trust me not at all()all in all.
A. while
B. and
C. or
D. but


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