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发布时间:2023-12-24 21:58:00

[单项选择]He was a good teacher. She ______ herself to teaching.
A. committed
B. pushed
C. drove
D. encouraged

更多"He was a good teacher. She ______ h"的相关试题:

[单项选择]She slipped and hurt herself While she ______ the bus.
[单项选择]______ she had never traveled herself, she received vicarious pleasure from reading about interesting places.
A. Because
B. Since
C. Now that
D. Although
[单项选择]What do you think Alison said to herself when she saw the dog
[单项选择]Somehow she felt that she herself had to some extent been the cause of all the trouble, and suffered ______.
A. accordingly
B. respectively
C. consequently
D. incidentally
[单项选择]She found that she herself couldn't do all the housework, so she hired a ______.
A. guide
B. clerk
C. maid
D. chief
[单项选择]She ______ herself very well. Everybody thinks she has great style.
A. holds
B. carries
C. possesses
D. shows off
[单项选择]Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way ______ to the Home Circle Building.
A. easy enough
B. enough easy
C. easily enough
D. enough easily
[单项选择]Somehow she felt that she herself had to some ______ been the cause of all this trouble.
A. extent
B. respect
C. manner
D. effect
[单项选择] When she turned the corner, she found herself _____ by a man with dark glasses.
A. was followed
B. followed
C. had been followed
D. was following
[单项选择]When she went out, she would disguise herself_________ nobody___________recognize her.
A. so that; would
B. as though; will
C. now that; shall
D. in case; should
[单项选择]She put herself through many risky experiences on the road, along with some __________ political activity.
A. influential
B. vigorous
C. fierce
D. enthusiastic
[单项选择]She sometimes asked herself the question whether it was_________ the effort.
A. worthy
B. worthwhile
C. worth
D. worthless
[单项选择]What was he good at when he was at school
A. Basketball.
B. High jump.
C. Running.
D. Football.
[单项选择]She could do her homework herself (她自己), so she ______ any help.
[单项选择]He is a good leader. He can distinguish practical questions from moral issues and he knows when to ______ and when to fight.
A. struggle
B. compromise
C. compete
D. strive
[单项选择]Although she was still ill, she ______ herself from the hospital.
A. extracted
B. discharged
C. injected
D. drained
[单项选择]Believing herself alone in the house she was ______ when she heard someone moving about in the living room.
A. startled
B. afraid
C. annoyed
D. distressed


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