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发布时间:2023-10-08 17:12:29

[单项选择]Why did officials appear more worried about the terror alert this time
A. Because the raise of terror alert was in the seasonal festivities this time.
B. Because it was the fifth time to raise the terror alert to code orange.
C. Because terror alert would be kept at this level for a period of time.
D. Because officials in the Department of Defense all agreed on the decision.

更多"Why did officials appear more worri"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Why did George feel pleased about the decision
A. He thought he deserved the punishment.
B. Jim did what he had promised.
C. He would be set free immediately.
D. The punishment was less severe than he expected.
[单项选择]Why did William Fanlkner write about the southern states of America
A. They were the place where he grew up and his family took an important role in the history of the region
B. His work became a touchstone.
C. He cared about the troubled issues of southern America.
D. He felt sympathy for the poor in southern America.
[单项选择]Why did William Faulkner write about the southern states of America
A. They were the place where he grew up and his family took an important role in the history of that region.
B. His work became a touchstone.
C. He cared about the troubled issues of southern America.
D. He felt sympathy for the poor in southern America.
[单项选择]Why did more and more people came to eat at the Happy Restaurant A. Because the price was lowered (降低). B. Because there were more kinds of dishes. C. Because men and women were given menus with different prices on them.
[单项选择]Why did the black religious music became more joyful after the Civil War
A. The black achieved their personal freedom.
B. The piano was introduced into their band.
C. There were more and more performers in their band.
D. They had created a new musical tradition called jazz.
[单项选择]Why did he find it more difficult to write orders
A. It needed the understanding of various military terms.
B. The writing required more accuracy and conciseness.
C. The different army units used diverse languages.
D. The knowledge of army equipment was difficult to master.
[单项选择]Paul: Why did you tell the whole world about my pastJeffrey: ______.
[单项选择]Why did marines gather on Monday

A. To remember the death of 23 soldiers.
B. To call for the U.S. administration for compensation.
C. To call for social justice.
D. To remember the death of Iraqi civilians.
[单项选择]Why did the protest take place

A. The railway lines cut through their crop fields.
B. There were great noises at the local railway station.
C. Another railway line would be built.
D. A rubbish dumping area would be reuse
[单项选择]Why did the building get sick

[单项选择]Why did Coffman request an investigation
A. To see if there was a deliberate cover-up of the problem.
B. To find out the extent of the consequences of the case.
C. To make sure that the school principals were innocent.
D. To stop the voters approving the $ 212 million bond issue.
[单项选择]Why did people cut down trees
A. For advantage.
B. For benefit.
C. For house.
D. For business.
[单项选择]Why did John go to the square

A. Spend the time.
B. Enjoy himself.
C. Help the girl.
[单项选择]Why did they miss the second restaurant

A. It would be so long a distance to reach there.
B. It was not so romantic as they expected.
C. There was not enough money on their credit card.
D. They brought insufficient cash with them.
[单项选择]Why did people name the city Cambridge

A. Because there is a bridge over the Cam.
B. Because the river was very well known.
C. Because there is a river named Granta
[单项选择]Why did Mahathir move to destroy Anuar
A. Because Anwar did not embody his ideal.
B. Because Anwar turned out to be a total failure.
C. Because Anwar has stood beside the old nationalist.
D. Because his dream become true.
[单项选择]Why did many looters manage to escape
A. The police could not see them in the dark.
B. Many of the looters were armed with guns.
C. There were not enough policemen to catch them all.
D. They were hidden inside big buildings.


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