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发布时间:2023-11-03 23:46:30

[单项选择]Joe and Ella often stayed together.

更多"Joe and Ella often stayed together."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Only Ella knew how to comfort Joe.
[单项选择]Who is Joe Brown
A. He is an expert in mental workings.
B. He is an actor.
C. He is a writer on the importance of friends and relatives.
D. He is a clinical psychologist and talkshow host.
[单项选择]More often than not, early marriage will often______.
[单项选择]The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned. Oh, dear! She______ a lot of difficulties!
A. may go through
B. might go through
C. ought to have gone through
D. must have gone through
[单项选择]-- Sorry, Joe. -- Don't call me "Joe", I'm Mr. Parker to you, and ______ you forget it!
[单项选择]Henry stayed in the hotel with his wife.
[单项选择]Why had Lewis stayed the night at number 25
A. He had lost his way in the dark.
B. His lorry had something wrong with it.
C. Nottingham was too far for him to drive that night.
D. He had suddenly felt ill.
[单项选择]A large group of demonstrators stayed up all night praying for ________ between the two countries.
A. preservation
B. refreshment
C. regiment
D. reconciliation
[单项选择]Why had Lewis stayed the night at Number 25
A. He had lost his way in the dark.
B. His lorry had something wrong with it.
C. Nottingham was too far for him to drive that night.
D. He had suddenly felt ill.
[单项选择]She stayed at home during the whole summer vacation ______ she could look after her old grandmother.
A. in case
B. now that
C. so that
D. as though
[单项选择]Why were Sam and Joe chosen
A. The boss wanted them to get more experience.
B. The boss trusted them more than anyone else.
C. They were the last people who wanted to go.
D. They were the only men who offered to go.
[单项选择]After the accident, the driver stayed in the hospital and was ______ for cuts.
A. treated
B. cured
C. healed
D. recovered
[单项选择]Anti-hunt protestors stayed away from the meeting, preferring to show their support by way of a ______ of more than 5,500 signatures.
A. plea
B. petition
C. resort
D. reproach
[单项选择]Walt stayed because ______.
A. there were no people around
B. Shorty had gone shopping
C. people went fishing on the lake
D. Shorty had asked him to watch the boats and the shop
[单项选择]Although he had stayed in that business for two years, ______ he still wanted to switch to a different career.
A. and
B. but
C. yet
D. so


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