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发布时间:2023-10-07 07:37:50

[单项选择]The first-year students were learning from the army in Miyun, a suburb of Beijing near ______ I lived.
A. what
B. where
C. that
D. which

更多"The first-year students were learni"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The first-year students were learning from the army in Miyun, a suburb of Beijing near ______ I lived.
A. what
B. where
C. that
D. which
[单项选择]They first-year students were learning from the army in Miyun, a suburb of Beijing near ______ I lived.
A. what
B. where
C. that
D. which
[单项选择]Students learning about how life began on Earth may be presented with the perplexing question, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg"
A. pressing
B. puzzling
C. patronizing
D. penetrating
[单项选择]Students learning English find the news a useful______of language practice. To improve their listening comprehension, they listen to the news on the radio and watch it on television.
A. resource
B. origin
C. source
D. illustration
[单项选择]University students are different from middle school students in that they try to ]earn by themselves.
A. 大学生不同于中学生在于他们努力独立学习。
B. 大学生不同于中学生在于他们努力靠自己学习。
C. 大学生与中学生不同,因为他们努力靠自己学习。
D. 大学生与中学生不同,因为他们尝试学习依靠自己。
[单项选择]During the examination the students were required to stay in their seats, keep their eyes on their work _________to anyone.
[单项选择]The students were given complimentary passes for the new movie.
A. inexpensive
B. free
C. expensive
D. good
[单项选择]The teacher demanded that the students () from speaking while the class is in progress.
A. avoid
B. refrain
C. stop
D. control
[单项选择]The students were required to write an article to () the claim that the earth is not round.
A. retain
B. refute
C. deny
D. dispute
[单项选择]After the students were shot by the military during a demonstration against the army ______, the girl students dared for the first time to stay out at night on the streets to picket.
A. control
B. ruling
C. government
D. regime
[单项选择]All the students were surprised that their team _____ the game.
A. should lose
B. should have lost
C. would lose
D. would have lost
[单项选择]In which of the following were Beiderbecke and Armstrong similar
A. The attitudes they brought to their music.
B. Their ability to reflect other cultures in their music.
C. Their separation from mass music.
D. The positions they came to hold in American society.
[单项选择]In which of the following were Beiderbeeke and Armstrong similar
A. The attitudes they brought to their music.
B. Their ability to reflect other cultures in their music.
C. Their separation from mass music.
D. The positions they came to hold in American society.
[判断题]In order to keep students interested in learning English it is important to include a variety of activities and techniques in the lesson.()
[单项选择]The students were surprised to know Miss Green ______.
[单项选择]The students were much encouraged ______ a chance to talk with the Americans in English.
A. to get
B. got
C. to have got
D. having got
[单项选择]All the participants were from the state of California.
[单项选择]Students with psychological training who were tested ______.
A. marked less than 2 percent of their possible choices correction
B. were less able to judge correctly than the average students
C. did better than the average students in the group
D. did as well as the women students


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