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发布时间:2023-10-30 23:25:21

[单项选择]_______that Bob had got promoted, his friends came to congratulate him.
A. Heard
B. Having heard
C. Hear
D. To hear

更多"_______that Bob had got promoted, h"的相关试题:

[单项选择]________ that Bob had got promoted, his friends came to congratulate him.
A. Heard
B. Having heard
C. Hear
D. To hear
[单项选择]______ that Bob had been promoted, his friends came to congratulate him.
A. Heard
B. Having heard
C. Hear
D. To hear
[单项选择]Because Bob had stopped reading his technical journals he was ______ of new development in his field.
A. intellectual
B. subtle
C. ignorant
D. tedious
[单项选择]Bob had his hair _______ yesterday, because it was too long.
[单项选择]Bob had his hair. ______ yesterday,because it was too long.
[单项选择]______ he had got no news from his son up to that time, he became so worried that he couldn' t sleep at night.
A. Unless
B. Even though
C. As
D. Whether
[单项选择]When Bob and his friends came, we()our supper then.
A. had
B. were having
C. have
D. are having
[单项选择]Not till he got home ______ that he had lost his keys.
A. he realized
B. did he realize
C. realized he
D. he did realize
[单项选择]Bob Geldef and his friends did all that they could ______ the poor in Africa.
A. help
B. helping
C. to help
D. be helped
[单项选择]The idea that Bob had forgotten to do something______ him the whole day.
A. tortured
B. heralded
C. haunted
D. fussed
[单项选择]No sooner had he got off the train than his coat was taken off.

A. 他下火车不久,就脱下了大衣。
B. 他下火车不久,大衣就被偷走了。
C. 他刚一下火车,就脱下了大衣。
D. 他刚一下火车,大衣就被偷走了。
[单项选择]Bob had yet ______ idea for a successful New Year party, the third one that evening.
A. other
B. another
C. the other
D. other one
[单项选择]He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found ______ of them again.
A. neither
B. either
C. each
D. all
[单项选择]Jenny said that she was sorry she had got no knife ______.
A. to cut
B. to cut it
C. cutting
D. to cut it with
[单项选择]Sam ______ for his words had injured his friend's self-respect at the party last night.
A. was ashamed
B. was confused
C. felt annoyed
D. felt guilty


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