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发布时间:2023-09-28 15:40:28

[单项选择]He hurried to the bus stop, ______ the last bus had already left.
A. only finding
B. only having found
C. only to find
D. only to have found

更多"He hurried to the bus stop, ______ "的相关试题:

[单项选择]If he had left in time for the last bus, he ______ it.
[单项选择]He walked so ______ that he missed the last bus.
[单项选择]What he does, he always does it well, though he has some difficulties.
A. What
B. it
C. though
D. some
[单项选择]Although he refused to act on my suggestion, he had to admit that ______ what I said.
A. it was something in
B. there was something in
C. it was something as for
D. there was something upon
[单项选择]Paul attends very meetings,and when he does,he has very to say.
A. little; few
B. few; little
C. a little; a few
D. a few; a little
[单项选择]The ______ he said it he knew what a mistake he had made.
A. moment
B. time
C. occasion
D. hour
[单项选择]He spoke slowly so that everyone ______ what he had said.
A. ought to understand
B. should understand
C. may understand
D. must understand
[单项选择]He is accustomed ______ late on weekends for he has the habit of working at night.
A. to sit up
B. to sitting up
C. at sitting up
D. for sitting up
[单项选择]Last week he promised that he ______ today, but he hasn't arrived yet.
A. would come
B. will come
C. would have come
D. is coming
[单项选择]He ______ all the parks of this city because he has lived here for 20 years.
A. is familiar to
B. is familiar of
C. is familiar with
D. has been familiar
[单项选择]He ______ secretly into his wallet to see if he had enough money to pay the bill.
A. peer
B. gape
C. gaze
D. stare
[单项选择]______ he admired her looks and her manners, he had no wish to marry her.
A. Much as
B. As much as
C. How much
D. So much
[单项选择]He _________ people with less knowledge than he has.
A. looks up
B. looks down upon
C. looks at
D. look after


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