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发布时间:2023-10-13 03:30:05

[单项选择]_______ tomorrow, he would be able to see the opening ceremony.
A. Would he come
B. If he comes
C. Was he coming
D. Were he to come

更多"_______ tomorrow, he would be able "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The pilot will be able to see on the screen whether another plane's course conflicts with his own.
A. 飞行员可以从屏幕上看到另一架飞机是否占据了自己的跑道。
B. 飞行员可以从屏幕上看到另一架飞机是否停在跑道上。
C. 飞行员不可以从屏幕上看到另一架飞机是否在自己的跑道上滑行。
D. 飞行员可以从屏幕上看到另一架飞机是否在自己的跑道准备起飞。
[单项选择]Having saved ______ money, Mary was able to buy her elder sister a watch.
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
[单项选择]I was able to see an English movie in the ______ with ease after two years' study.
A. origin
B. source
C. resource
D. original
[单项选择]Little ______. that I was never able to see that kind old man again.
A. I thought
B. I would think
C. was I thinking
D. did I think
[单项选择]Stand over there ______you'll be able to see it better.
A. or
B. while
C. but
D. and
[单项选择]Stand over there, ______ you'll be able to see it better.
A. or
B. while
C. but
D. and
[单项选择] He had studied hard , he would have been able to pass the exam.
A. He had studied harder
B. If only he studied more
C. Had he studied harder
D. When he studied more
[单项选择]He ______ secretly into his wallet to see if he had enough money to pay the bill.
A. peer
B. gape
C. gaze
D. stare
[单项选择]He cannot see anything without his glasses, so he made a ______ of remembering to get them fixed before he went to work.
A. chore
B. success
C. point
D. mess
[单项选择]He ran back into the room to see if he ______ anything behind.
A. has forgotten
B. had forgotten
C. has left
D. had left
[单项选择]I would rather Hellen () tomorrow than today.
A. came
B. comes
C. should come
D. coming
[单项选择]______ tomorrow, she would get there on Sunday.
A. Would she leave
B. If she leaves
C. Were she to leave
D. If she had left
[单项选择]When he returned home, he found the window open and something ______.
A. to steal
B. stealing
C. stole
D. stolen


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