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发布时间:2024-02-03 00:42:14

[单项选择]You ______ her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town two weeks.

更多"You ______ her in her office last F"的相关试题:

[单项选择]You ______ her in her office last Friday; she' s been out of town for two weeks.
[单项选择]You ______ her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.
[单项选择]At last she left her house and got to the airport, only ______ the plane flying away.
A. having seen
B. to have seen
C. saw
D. to see
[单项选择]She bought a new hike last Sunday, because her old one ______.
A. had stolen
B. was stolen
C. had been stolen
D. stolen
[单项选择]Don't be hard on her she is very ______ and she may start to cry.
A. sensible
B. sensitive
C. sympathetic
D. sophisticated
[单项选择]How did the author feel when Jennie told her she had broken up with her boy friend
A. She felt relived.
B. She felt happy and proud.
C. She felt frustrated and angry.
D. She felt exhausted.
[单项选择]With her last child having left home, she felt a ______ need to fill her time.
A. tense
B. thorough
C. pressing
D. small
[单项选择]Emma only moved house last week and she () knows her neighbors!
A. already
B. still
C. always
D. yet
[单项选择]Last year, she earned()hell husband, who has a better position.
A. three times as much as
B. three times more than
C. three times as many as
D. three times as more as
[单项选择]Until last year,she was the largest ship that ______.
A. was ever built
B. has ever built
C. has ever been built
D. had ever been built
[单项选择]Since last year, she______ of the long distance.
A. have covered three fifth
B. have covered three fifths
C. has covered three fifths
D. has covered three fifth
[单项选择]Last year, she earned ______ hell husband, who has a better position.
A. three times as much as
B. three times more than
C. three times as many as
D. three times as more as
[单项选择]She was delirious last night, but she seems quite lucid this morning.
A. rational
B. peaceful
C. patient
D. insane
[单项选择]How I wish you ______ her everything! She almost cried her heart out.
A. did not tell
B. had not told
C. were not telling
D. are not telling


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