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发布时间:2023-12-02 20:14:56

[单项选择]Jack's mother got up when his father left the house.

更多"Jack's mother got up when his fathe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]His mother died when he was five, his father never remarried, and by the time he was eight () in three different countries.
A. had lived
B. was lived
C. was living
D. will have lived
[单项选择]When the doctor got his books, he gave John ______.
[单项选择]Jack looks ______ his father more than his mother.
[单项选择]Jack didn't phone his mother because his mother had no phone.
[单项选择]Mike's father as well as his mother insisted that he ______ home.
A. stayed
B. could stay
C. has stayed
D. stay
[单项选择]Tom's father, as well as his mother, ______ in New York for a few more days.
A. suggest him to stay
B. suggested him that he should stay
C. suggest him staying
D. suggests he stay
[单项选择]When we got there, what were left behind __ empty bottles.
A. had been
B. are
C. were
D. was
[单项选择]Last month Jack ______ his left leg.
A. fell and broke
B. fallen and broken
C. feel and broken
D. has fallen and broken
[单项选择]When he got out of the manager's office, from his facial expression we knew that his proposal must have been {{U}}turned down{{/U}}.
A. refused
B. adopted
C. accepted
D. denied
[单项选择]When he got out of the manager’s , from his facial expression we knew that his proposal must have been turned down().
A. refused
B. adopted
C. accepted
D. object
[单项选择]When did Moore receive his first commission
A. In 1948.
B. In 1946.
C. In 1931.
D. In 1928.
[单项选择]When did Wolfe publish his first novel
A. Before he left Harvard.
B. On his return journey from Europe.
C. When he got married.
D. After his editor revised the manuscript.
[单项选择]When we left, he again expressed his________of our timely help.
A. gratefulness
B. appreciation
C. expectation
D. anticipation
[单项选择]When we got there, what were left behind ______ empty bottles.
A. just
B. only
C. were
D. was
[单项选择]The author finally got his chair repaired by_______.
A. paying a lot of money for it
B. giving the shop owner a lot of trouble
C. making fun of the shop owner
D. amusing the shop owner
[单项选择]When I got to the station the train ______ left.
A. already had
B. had already
C. has already
D. already has


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