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发布时间:2023-10-15 01:25:19

[单项选择]It is in the chairman of the board's interest, before a meeting, to ______ with the directors about sensitive matters.
A. confer
B. contend
C. conspire
D. consort

更多"It is in the chairman of the board'"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The chairman of the board______ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.
A. pressed
B. compelled
C. posed
D. tempted
[单项选择]The chairman of the board ______ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.
A. compelled
B. posed
C. pressed
D. tempted
[单项选择]Obviously, the Chairman's remarks at the conference were _________ and not planned.
A. substantial
B. spontaneous
C. simultaneous
D. synthetic
[单项选择]The meeting was put off ______ the chairman's illness.
A. because of
B. in the front of
C. in the interests of
D. in face of
[单项选择]The chairman's proposal is that we ______ the question.
A. should discuss
B. discuss
C. would discuss
D. had discussed
[单项选择]The Chairman was evidently ______ by Jim's words and glared at him for a few seconds.
A. put down
B. put across
C. put away
D. put out
[单项选择]The chairman ______ that this year's prize winner is Dr. Hunter.
A. announced
B. declared
C. stated
D. pronounced
[单项选择]Let's ______ the arrangements with the others before we make a decision.
A. talk over
B. talk into
C. talk down
D. talk round
[单项选择]What inspired people's interest in Ovid once again
A. Harry Potter and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.
B. The play Metamorphoses.
C. Tales from Ovid.
D. The exhibit "Metamorphosing".
[单项选择]The Chairman was evidently ______ by Jim's words and glared at him for a few seconds.
A. put down
B. put across
C. put away
D. put out
[单项选择]Chris's interest in his action-figure collection began to ______ as he completed elementary school and became a preteen; he was growing up.
A. (A) improve
B. (B) dilate
C. (C) exist
D. (D) wane
E. (E) thrive


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